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camera's camera's and choices

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ok so i am looking to buy a gun cam of some description, but i cannot seem to decide :wacko:


i have been looking at http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Bullet-HD-Pro-1080p-Waterproof-Sport-Helmet-Action-Camera-Gun-Hunting-Camcorder-/400579097031?pt=UK_AudioTVElectronics_Video_Camcorders&hash=item5d445ff1c7


any suggestions??

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That sounds too good to be true!

I'd YouTube them and some other cameras and compare the quality. Contour or GoPro are your go to options if you want to guarantee it's going to be good quality though.

There's also a camera line called Replay HD or something along those lines. I know that TheDesertFox on YouTube uses the 1080p model, but I've always thought it looked a little lacking, based on the quality I'd place it somewhere below the Contour, so that might be reasonably priced and worth a look.

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