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Generally speaking, how strict are sites on fps?

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Say the max fps for a site was 328 and my gun was clocked at 335, would most sites accept this and let me play?




ive been over by 30 fps before and they've just said 2 second bursts max or single fire for cqb games :) but its down to marshalls on different sites so its pot luck or you could just put 0.3s in for the chrono test :)

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  • AF-UK Founding Member

Most sites will insist that you use 0.2g BB's for the chrono tests, and if you were to use heavier I should imagine if anything were to happen they'd hold you responsible.


Pretty sure most sites will probably have a 5% tolerance, which is a fair amount, but others might be more strict obviously.

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or you could just put 0.3s in for the chrono test :)


Do that at my site and say hello to a lifetime ban. This is not ever a viable method to reduce FPS.


Phone the site and ask them. My site runs a 350 limit but I have used a 370 gun there but I am a trusted regular it may be different for a first time walk on.

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  • 3 weeks later...

dont't use lighter than 0.2g bbs either. When i first started i had to get my M4 dowgraded twice because the first time i used 0.2g bb and it was over 400 fps. then i went back a few weeks later but i used some cheap rubbish bbs which were bellow 0.2g and i had to get it downgraded again because they were lighter so the fps reading was higher. also cheap bbs are bad for your gun obviosly.

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