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First Gun - G&G TGM Q6 - add-on queries!

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Howdi folks,


Having been introduced to airsoft by my partner's boss a few months ago, I've typically gone completely OTT and dived in to playing on a semi-regular basis with plenty of gusto.


My partner and friends clubbed together and got me a G&G TGM Q6 (gen 2) for my birthday - http://www.proairsoftsupplies.co.uk/acatalog/gen_2_tgm_q6.html


They also got extra mags, single point harness and so-on. Having popped down the PAS in Archway, I've got my batteries and chargers as well.


So, all good to go really.


I'm looking at the top of the gun and thinking the top rail is just asking for some kind of scope / red dot / something - so, any of you folks got a recommendation for what sort of add-ons might be useful?


I've already got a Cvlife Red Dot Laser Sight which looks great mounted on top, but obviously it blocks the manual sights and is more for show than anything else.


So, thoughts on what I can get?



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Ive got the same gun.


What sort of playing are you doing ?


Woodland long range, CQB ?


Do you want to be authentic to the real gun or just have something practical for the Airsoft games you play?

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So, far, mostly woodland skirmish type stuff - I quite fancy some urban cqb at somepoint. But outdoors = more interesting for diving around and generally having a laugh.


I'm less interested in authenticity as I am in something practical that works and assists with my frankly cavalier attitude to tactics ;)

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in that case, the world is your oyster.


Decide if you need magnification and then pursue sights or something with X1 ( no magnification ).


Bear in mind that Airsoft isn't as accurate as a real firearm. You can get magnification power way beyond the accurate range of the gun.


Consider why you want a sight at all..




I ended up going for a holosight and a separate x4 magnifier behind it on my assault rifle. I use the magnification more for spotting and seeing if my BBs are landing on target.


Some sites don't like laser sights due to the health and safety risk. Worth checking out first.


I currently use the H&K iron sights on my MP5 but am keen to maybe go the red dot/tactical light route at some point as I like variety.

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There is obviously a limited amount of rail to mount on with this gun - the rail is 2" long or so. Does this mean everything gets mounted there, or are there other / additional mounting brackets available? Or does it 'stack' on top of each other?

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I haven't mounted mine but I guess so.


There are ways of making more space but the gun will start to look a bit out of proportion.


For what its worth, my advice is to think what you want and why and then solve the technical stuff.



There is obviously a limited amount of rail to mount on with this gun - the rail is 2" long or so. Does this mean everything gets mounted there, or are there other / additional mounting brackets available? Or does it 'stack' on top of each other?

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Ooh, yeah, that looks nifty. Someone mentioned in passing that red was useless in daytime and green was what I'd be wanting.


All-in-one definitely the preferred option - and for £10 plus P&P it'd be rude not to.


Shall have a gander for similar just in case - cheers!

For practical use I'd go with something like this;
Cheap and cheerful so if it gets broken it won't matter too much and it'll be more than accurate enough for an airsoft gun.

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on my G&G CM16 Raider L, i have a 20mm riser then a ACOG style X4 sight, i find it works really well in open enviroments


for close stuff (on my mp5K) i have a replica 551 sight. I could if i wanted get a x3 flip to the side scope


you have loads of options though ;)

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on my G&G CM16 Raider L, i have a 20mm riser then a ACOG style X4 sight, i find it works really well in open enviroments


for close stuff (on my mp5K) i have a replica 551 sight. I could if i wanted get a x3 flip to the side scope


you have loads of options though ;)

Excuse the n00bish question - but I assume the riser brings everything up above the iron sights so you can still aim in the event of tech-failure?

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Zombie Stopper, my friend has one and its awesome!

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Excuse the n00bish question - but I assume the riser brings everything up above the iron sights so you can still aim in the event of tech-failure?

No I found that with a face mask on I couldn't see into the scope correctly lol I removed my original rear sight, and just use the scope now ;) I did want to use a small doctor sight on top of my acog (similar to how airsoft ed's looks on his l85) but it wouldn't fit :(

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