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PMags not feeding

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Hi all, I've got a set of pmags that require being pushed up to engage and chamber a BB, I've tried shaving some of the catch off, but nothing, no luck. I've even tried putting a rubber solution into the release button catch to try and push the mag up but nothing, any solutions out there?

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Are they the 'beta project' pmags? I have seen issues with those previously, also even genuine pmags don't feed in everything, try your mags in another brand of rifle to ensure its the mags not feeding rather than just a poor fit, could also be your mag catch is worn if your rifle has been used a bit


My pmags refused to feed in a CAA M4 but are perfect in both my gws sig and king arms M4 overland

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try putting a small amount of electrical tape around the front edge of the magazine, or the front edge of the mag well. This will help the front of the mags sit up tight

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