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Customised G36 - Am I Dreaming? ...

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I want to make this! Now, I appreciate that, if it is at all possible, then it will not look identical. I suspect that the retractable stock wouldn't actually be able to go within the receiver and would, instead, have to go on the outside. But, I'm going to look into it!



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I don't think you'll be able to get an MP5 stock onto it without serious modification- the bars need to run in a groove outside of the weapon's body, and the body of the G36 is quite rectangular when looking at it from the rear. The MP5's stock attachment cap is curved to the original MP5's body as well. Unless you could make one with a rectangular cap, which could also fit a G36, I think you'd be best going for a crane stock converter for the G36.

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I don't think you'll be able to get an MP5 stock onto it without serious modification- the bars need to run in a groove outside of the weapon's body, and the body of the G36 is quite rectangular when looking at it from the rear. The MP5's stock attachment cap is curved to the original MP5's body as well. Unless you could make one with a rectangular cap, which could also fit a G36, I think you'd be best going for a crane stock converter for the G36.

As you've suggested, TacMaster, I expect to have to make some major modifications. The bars will definitely have to run out the outside of the body, as there simply isn't enough room within the G36 body. That's where I would expect the first modification to take place, as I can't imagine that the bars of the MP5 stock are currently wide enough to fit around the G36 body. But, I'll have to confirm that! In fact, there's lots of details to confirm!


I'm very interested in getting as close to this as possible though so although a crane stock may be easier I don't feel that it would be a suitable alternative.


On another note, does anyone know where I can buy the Cyma MP5 retractable stock from a UK retailer? It's my favourite of those that I've come across but just can't seem to find it in the UK.

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No, but this fleabay seller from HK has good feedback - £18 delivered.


I think that it may fit onto a G36 the way you've pimped it. I just got my SRC G36 out to have a look and the part of the upper receiver you have the bars in line with is only 26mm wide. It gets slightly wider to about 29mm in a step before the part where it curves out to the full receiver width, but there isn't a matching contour inside - the plastic just gets thicker, so you could file it away. You would have to cut the original top hinge away, but I think that part of the stock latch and middle hinge might make it easier to glue the MP5 rear section in place.


There may be a way to fit a small bolt or 2 in there, but the geargox butts up pretty close to the open end of the G36 receiver. There is also supposed to be a bolt from the partial plate over the open end of the receiver which fits through a 20mm-ish tube to attach to the 90deg flange/bracket thingy which is loose in a track on top of the gearbox. You would need to get a longer bolt, because you can't glue it in place or you'll never be able to service the gearbox. It looks like an M4 bolt though (the metric size, not the gun), so a longer one would do a lot to hold your bodged MP5 rear receiver bit in place. If you can find one anodised black it wouldn't look nasty either - still it's in a place where paint wouldn't get worn off anyway...


I reckon that some kind of tubes attached to the sides of the receiver would also help. Possibly square or oblong section might allow them to lend a bit more support to the stock bars (maybe you can dremmel up some inserts so the bars fit snugly). The dimensions you have to play with on that bit of G36 receiver below the rear rail attachment are 125mm x 19mm.


This is what I'm on about:





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Ian_Gere. Thank you for taking the time to look into this.


Your detailed description will be incredibly helpful. I'll, hopefully, compare what you've provided with my own ARES G36 and see if there are any extreme differences, which I don't expect. It would definitely be more ideal if I could file away on the inside of the receiver, as it would be much tidier and, of course, would be of a much closer resemblance to the design in the first post.


I had seen the particular item you've listed on eBay. I was put off by it's location but, to be honest, I don't think there's any other choice if I want that particular product.


So, hopefully, I'll have a look tonight and I'll let you know how I get on.



**EDIT: I've also just ordered the stock now, so I hope it's not for nothing!**

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Ian_Gere. Thank you for taking the time to look into this.


Your detailed description will be incredibly helpful. I'll, hopefully, compare what you've provided with my own ARES G36 and see if there are any extreme differences, which I don't expect. It would definitely be more ideal if I could file away on the inside of the receiver, as it would be much tidier and, of course, would be of a much closer resemblance to the design in the first post.


I had seen the particular item you've listed on eBay. I was put off by it's location but, to be honest, I don't think there's any other choice if I want that particular product.


So, hopefully, I'll have a look tonight and I'll let you know how I get on.



**EDIT: I've also just ordered the stock now, so I hope it's not for nothing!**

No problem mate, I'm very interested to see if it's possible / how much hassle it is, b/c I think it looks great.


I wouldn't worry about ordering from HK. I know it's de rigueur for people to coat the Chinese off for dodgy business practices, but surely people must realise that when they buy something uber-cheap, it's going to be a knock off. Something else to consider is how difficult it apparently is for many people to get a response to complaints. I refer you to the spelling and grammer commonly employed in emails. If it's anything like that which we see here, it would be no wonder if Google Translate made a complete balls up of it, eh?


"You no pidgeon a thing works, but gearbox purple he is late.

Refund I not have.




:blink: WTF?


BTW "He-Grace" is one of the combinations "Ian" translates into. Kinda nice I think :D If I want to speak to Chinese people online, I use one Google Translate window to turn simple, correctly spelled, grammatically correct, sentences into Simplified Chinese. I then paste the result into another Google Translate window to check how it turns out. Quite often it isn't good :lol: for e.g.


"I have received the fire-select lever. It does not work properly.

There should be a small ball bearing and spring in it. They are missing.

To solve this problem, what do you propose?




- even after tweaking the Chinese alternatives comes back as:


"I have received fire selection lever. It does not work.

It should be a very small ball bearings and springs. They missing.
To solve this problem, what do you propose it?
Thank you,

I just go back to the 1st window and use different English words / phrases until the Chinese makes enough sense that I expect it to get my point over. For e.g. "It should have a small ball bearing and spring in it." translates much better... I've had very few problems with Chinese suppliers. In fact I've found most of them only too happy to be as helpful as they can be, whether we continue communicating in English, Chinese, or both.


I was going to suggest that we attempt to get somebody who has an MP5, hopefully that exact stock, to wade into this thread before you ordered, so you could get some measurements. Hey ho: fingers crossed!


PS That was a real problem above, but it was when I was dealing with Ares directly and I didn't need to translate it as their Customer Services person, "Crystal", speaks excellent English. She had a new part sent out to me that day. I spose I could have used the email I sent to SRC recently, but there was no dodgy translation example in it - Mordred Chiang (I kid you not) got back to me very quickly with an offer to sell me parts directly if I cannot find them stocked in the UK... which is nice :lol:

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Oh my god, Ian! I nearly pissed myself reading that! xD

"You no pidgeon a thing works" and Mordred Chiang

Oh god my sides :lol:

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Honestly Ed, that pigeon thing isn't verbatim, but I've seen a translation that was something like that! :lol: nearly coughed my giblets up laughing! But get this:




Mordred Chiang, as he lives and fcuking breaths! I think it's sub zero myself. I mean, not Lancelot, Ector, Kay, Merlin, Bedde Taliesin, or any of the round table crew, but the best known villain of the piece, Mordred!

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@ian- after a quick measure of my MP5's retractable stock, I can tell you that the space between the bars is at least 3.3cm- as I don't have a G36 body at my disposal, what do you think dedalton would need to do regarding this abundance of space?

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Something like this might do it, with some flat steel/aluminium/plastic packing between it and the receiver.


It depends on the dimensions and shape of the stock bars, maybe a rectangular tube would be better, but it'll be about finding something that's already being made so it's cheap enough. Maybe the square stuff will do it but with something packed inside it...


Whatever is used, it'll probably need those bolts which are countersunk on each end and one fits inside the other, like this. There looks to be a little bit of space toward the back inside the receiver to fit a short plate to act as a wide washer, but further forward is where the bolt-spring fits, so i'm not sure if you could get anything in there. The plastic seems thick enough that countersunk nuts & bolts should work so long as there's some decent glue like Araldite also holding whatever packing & tubes are used to each other and the receiver.

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Ian_Gere. Your post about the Chinese translations was just brilliant!


Thanks to everyone chipping in with ideas. I really appreciate the suggestions. I'm certain they'll come in handy when I get down to it.


Definitely not going to rush into this. I must do some careful planning. I've only got one shot at it really.


I figured the best way for me to get a real idea as to what I'm going to have to work towards is to order the part and see how it all lines up. So, I'll give you an update once it's arrived, which of course could be a few weeks ...


Thanks again!

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I try :lol:


Do let us know how you get on. If it works i might have a go myself :)

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i just came onto this topic as it reminded me of something i saw pop up on my facebook feed today.


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Honestly Ed, that pigeon thing isn't verbatim, but I've seen a translation that was something like that! :lol: nearly coughed my giblets up laughing! But get this:




Mordred Chiang, as he lives and fcuking breaths! I think it's sub zero myself. I mean, not Lancelot, Ector, Kay, Merlin, Bedde Taliesin, or any of the round table crew, but the best known villain of the piece, Mordred!

Mordred, who sells air nozzies.





Just saw "ALIMINOM"


Aahhh stop I'm going to die!

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  • 2 weeks later...

The part has arrived.


As it turns out, the ARES G36 does not have enough room inside the body for the MP5 stock bars (that's not to say a different G36 wouldn't allow it). I'm currently working on an idea, with the bars on the outside of the body, but, of course, unless I'm very careful it could be very ugly. Leave it with me ... :)

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Oh, I thought the plan was to fit the bars in some kind of tubes on the outside all along. There's no way they would fit inside any G36 - the gearbox is in the way. There is just enough room to get an angled screwdriver in there to tighten countersunk bolts and possibly enough to add a thin shaped steel plate (bean can gauge), with the countersinks pre-bent through it, inside to act as a super-washer and reinforce the new rail tube attachments.

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Oh, I thought the plan was to fit the bars in some kind of tubes on the outside all along. There's no way they would fit inside any G36 - the gearbox is in the way. There is just enough room to get an angled screwdriver in there to tighten countersunk bolts and possibly enough to add a thin shaped steel plate (bean can gauge), with the countersinks pre-bent through it, inside to act as a super-washer and reinforce the new rail tube attachments.

Ian_Gere. I always expected them to go on the outside. But, I thought I'd have a look at it anyway ... :)


I'm hoping to get an end cap soon, as I want to keep the original hinge mechanism in place. I'd then find a way to attach the MP5 stock mount to the end cap, and then sort out something for the rails.

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Sounds like a plan :) look forward to seeing how it goes.

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