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So here's the thing, birthday coming up soon, so I thought I'd treat myself. Don't really fancy spending more than £300 though.

I'm fairly new to airsoft (been to around 10ish skirmishes) Here's what I have:

- M4 G&G

- Vest, Low quality does the job ATM (6 mag pouches and a few others)

- Glock 18c AEP

- Goggles (which steam up) and mesh (which is bulky)


Here's what's on my list so far:

-Heroshark mesh goggles and lower face, custom fitted


Just looming for some advice on what to purchase really. I have numerous ideas bouncing around in my head but none REALLY click. I'm not sure I want to get another AEG yet, was thinking of a sniper loadout , but am likely to save up and spend a lot of money on that at a later date. So what I'm thinking for my £300 is getting some nice secure building blocks in place before I move up. Such as gear, spare parts, maybe a co2 pistol? Just looking for advice on what to get essentials wise then I can begin to start buying new guns etc. (Though I'm still toying with the idea of a new gun)



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Decent pair of boots? kneepads (trust me, can save you tons of suffering)? sounds like you want new face protection.. good pair of gloves is always nice.


got a optic, sling & vg for your m4? ...torch? upgrade inner barrel / hop?


if you thinking of a sidearm, get a KWA PTP, excellent guns, runs really cheap on propane and it never let me down (even in mid (uk) winter).

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I can highly recommend Hatch Centurion Elbow Pads. One of these days I'll get the kneepads to go with 'em! Be aware that the cheap ones on Amazon are not really Hatch and are minus the QD clips...


Bunch of metal mid-caps & drop leg mounted dump pouch maybe?

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