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Revolver DMR?

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With my budget I'm hardly going to get a good TM Pistol which I'm definitely sure they DO outrange my AEG.

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Surely that mean's having custom work done will be Well out of your Range...


Could try this thing called Saving up it's what most Normal Hardworking Fool's have to do for well anything

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With my budget I'm hardly going to get a good TM Pistol which I'm definitely sure they DO outrange my AEG.

if you can't afford a TM pistol you're definitely not going to be able to afford the requisite stuff to make a DMR, gas pistol based or otherwise. Remember, FPS has an effect on range but not NEARLY as much as your hop-up. Spend your money on improving your AEG instead, I fully recommend the madbull ultimate hop unit with a badbull blue rubber combined with a 6.03mm tight bore.

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