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Excellent hi-res gallery of the Boston Police, SWAT and FBI teams

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There's some hella snazzy shit in those photos. Can't believe there were so many people on the ground with all that stuff, camo'd rigs and rifles, E and P mags, various sights, snipers, Humvees and even freakin helmet mounted binos! At least I assume they were binos 'cos if they were NVGs WTF?! Why the bloody hell did they need all that?!


I think they might've mistaken the suspects for the entire population of Eastern Europe.

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those are PVS-15 NVGs, extremely mega expensive and until recently (ish) the preserve of super elite units like DEVGRU and CAG. As for the tooled up FBI guys, the FBI have a mega budget and seriously well trained guys, the HRT and the DEA FAST teams for example are more soldier than policeman.

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The FBI do have some very nice stuff there!!


I loved the old school officer with a bit of a belly rocking the M16A1 :D

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