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mp5k help

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I have a TM MP5K, the only time i have seen something similar to this is if i am cycling it fast in semi, it then would fire till i put it into auto for a sec. i found that if you keep the trigger depressed for a fraction of a sec more, it dosent happen.


but this might not be your issue.


is your gun like this all the time? or only after you have been firing alot in semi? or dose it happen in full auto too?


edit :- also, how old is the gun? any mods? what battery? how old is the battery?

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Trigger contacts might have burnt out/corroded, giving intermittent connection


Would explain the random firing/non-firing

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is this happening in semi and auto?


like Nutster said, sounds like maybe the switch contacts need a clean/replacement. but with out seeing the gun/contacts its hard to say.

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