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What gun should i get? G36c, Ak47 or MP5

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the hi capa i used to have, nice side arm but heavy. I would have to go with the Glcok 17.

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Quick note on the G36c , the battery can be a pain to fit but if you tie a rubber band around the inside barrel and use that to hold the battery in place when you slide the case back on it makes life much easier. Also worth saying that the safety is a little soft, lacking the reassuring "click" you get on an M4. This issue with safety's is common across most H&K replicas.

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You haven't even bought a primary yet, wait a while before getting a sidearm!!

But yeah, when craig says bombproof he means that it's going to be quite a decent quality. If I were you I'd go for something with a collapsing stock, not a folding one, just in case your arms are too short/long for the weapon. CYMA make tactical AKs with collapsing stocks, most of CYMA's MP5s have collapsing stocks as well and M4s from most manufacturers usually have them. M4s are also quite a good starting platform, there's a lot of external bits and bobs you can buy, ranging from stocks to Rail Interface Systems (RIS).

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TacMaster has a point, don't bother with a sidearm until you got yourself a rifle. M4 might be the best bet, especially if your doing outdoor as g36 is very much a CQB rifle

unless you buy a G36k or full length

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I would my G36 for woodland it's great but after a full day it gets heavy, that's why i started with an M4 and another for me buying the SR4C perfect for CQB but has the power for woodland as well.

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G36 is the full length rifle!!! (see below)

G36C is the compact version. WHY does everyone do this?? :P

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Either. Will do.

Barrel length really doesn't have a significant difference on range for AEG's.

Its all about hop up, and if its a decent company it will perform fine.

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G36 Standard/Full length



C stands for Compact

K stands for Kurz (carbine)

V standing for Varient, which can appear on any model

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What is the difference between M4 and M4A1?


G36c or M4?


I don't think there's any difference, think it's just down to who makes the gun. oh the M4A1 has two selectors burst and full and the M4 has the same but single and Full.

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I don't think there's any difference, think it's just down to who makes the gun. oh the M4A1 has two selectors burst and full and the M4 has the same but single and Full.

*there won't be a burst on the airsoft version unless you're paying more than a normal would cost, punkball

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*there won't be a burst on the airsoft version unless you're paying more than a normal would cost, punkball


Thats the offical difference between the two burst and single but as Tacmaster said you won't get that on an airsoft gun.

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just as an FYI both the real M4 and M4A1 are safe-semi-auto, neither one has burst fire, I think you're getting confused with the various iterations of the M16.


I've personally used both the real M4 and the M4A1 and one of them does infact have the burst on it. it is infact called the M4A1 Carbine with burst fire and full auto.


semi auto as you say is burst semi auto fires three rounds at a time, called burst.

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foregrip yes, sight yes, laser wouldn't personally bother for woodland. stock for that G36 no as the stock folds in (possibly though)

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