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G&G Toptech MP5A5 Stock?

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Hi, I have a G&G Toptech MP5A5 and I was wondering if anyone knows where I could buy a different stock for it? It currently has the UMP folding stock but I am starting to hate it and I am looking for a retractable or Solid Stock. Preferably retractable.


I do not know what stocks will fit and that's why I need your help.

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I've been having the same issue as you. I really want a stock like that, the G&G collapsible one doesn't sit fully flush with the gun when it's fully collapsed, if that makes sense? I hate it =[


If you have any luck finding out if the ICS fits, can you post it up to let me know?


My personal guess would be that it won't fit. I've been looking into it for a while now but can't find anything concrete anywhere. Closest I've come to finding out is trying to find people who have the ICS that'll let me take the stock off to check, but I've not come across anyone yet.

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Ok, been looking around the forums and it appears that ONLY G&G stocks will fit this gun. Apparently part of the gun is larger than all the other manufacturers. I think I am just going to have to get a full stock.



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Yup, that's what I feared.


Though I did wonder if you could combine an ICS with a G&G stock, so you can use the G&G section that attaches to the gun, then use the ICS slidy part...

It'd cost a lot but that might work.


I've got a solid stock at the minute, they're good if your gun is rear wired, since you can fit practically anything in there.

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