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Airosft guns in Fall camo / Red Tiger - Call Of Duty 6

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Hey guys ! Im new to this forum , should of joined a while ago before ive decided to give up airosft (no time anymore :( )


Ive got a pretty nice airsoft collection , £2000 + and have decided to sell . Before anyone says it im not trying to sell in this section of the site , i know theres a specific part.


Im a graphic designer and specialise in airbrushing and I am a big fan of COD4/6 .


I was thinking about painting my airsoft collection in the diffrent camo's , e.g. blue/red tiger , fall camo etc.


I would be able to do this to a very high standard due to my proffesion .


Do you think this would increase the value of the guns ? If anyone would be really interested in this PM me but any comments on if you guys think this would be a good idea would be really appreciated !


Thanks !

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I don't think it would increase the value by enough to warrent the time and effort involved.

maybe if you sell the guns with the promise of diong so if the buyer wants it, that may increase value, but very few people want snazzy guns, so painting them as such would make selling so much harder for you.

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in my personal opinion red tiger looks dire and isnt a viable camo option on any gun, i only like it if it has a nice tan :) but any paint job will devalue the gun.

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In all honesty it would probably reduce there values but £20-£50 depending on the gun. I would give people the option of having them sprayed as that way you won't loose customers by having them ready painted.

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