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G&P M4 Special Operation

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So I've gone off the whole sniper thing & have been looking into AEG's, I am hoping to do a SAS/Spec Ops kit & found a very nice gun.


Here it is: http://redwolfairsoft.com/redwolf/airsoft/...il?prodID=21646


But I've found online that people have gearbox & hop-up problems & its putting me off.


So can anyone help & if it is a problem any other M4's around that price range & style. (Silencer, grip etc doesn't matter)

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I have a G&P M16, which uses the same internals as that.

I had a few problems with it, but I've now managed to solve them all and it shoots pretty damn well.


First one was the gearbox locking up and the motor not turning with enough power.

This was caused by a low mAh battery (1600), which gave low trigger response, low ROF and meant the gearbox locked up whenever I used semi.

I now use a 3700mAh 8.4V battery and it shoots great. Amazing trigger response, I couldn't shoot fast enough on semi to cause the gearbox to lock up if I tried, and it has an awesome ROF (23 rounds per second).


The problem with the hop up wasn't any fault of G&P's, it was the MadBull rubber that Fire-Support put in for me.

It would be extreme inconsistent, over-hop most of the time, even on the lowest setting. And when I finally got it sorted, it would turn itself off as I shot because of the nub.

I put the original G&P rubber and nub in (kept the MadBull barrel though) and it has really good range and consistency. Get a lot of complaints about it being overpowered/full auto sniper though.



On another note, if you're new, are you UKARA registered? If so, then don't worry. If not, then you'll need to get UKARA registered before you can import guns from abroad (e.g. Hong Kong).

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Ok thanks guys, I will be UKARA registered, sent form a couple of days ago. I have found this gun on a few other sites but im still looking for other M4's, any you know of that around £250 with rails, adjustable stock etc?

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You need a VCRA defence before you can import, UKARA membership isn't a requirement.

I know that, but as it's imported, entering a UKARA number to printed onto the outside of the package is much, much easier than having nothing, having it seized, then getting calls and having to prove another defence (e.g. site membership), which they may not believe anyway.



Ok thanks guys, I will be UKARA registered, sent form a couple of days ago. I have found this gun on a few other sites but im still looking for other M4's, any you know of that around £250 with rails, adjustable stock etc?

There are quite a lot. I'm not going to recommend any manufacturers as I only have experience with G&P, G&G and A&K.

I would recommend G&P over the other two. Better feel to them (if you know what I mean), better internals, much better externals and real trademarks.

Would recommend G&G second, they're pretty good. Not had any problems with my mate's or step-dad's. Both shoot very well and are nice guns, but the feel of them really puts me off. They feel 'different', and I really hate when guns don't have real trademarks, can't stand G&G's own 'trademarks'.

A&K, wouldn't recommend. It was my first AEG (cost £180, M4 with adjustable stock and rails) which had problems from the start. It would lock up a lot and was quite inaccurate and inconsistent.


Can't really say much about other brands.



Have a browse through some manufacturers' websites and see what you like, then look for a distributor who will ship to the UK.

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Bear in mind if you import, you'd have to add roughly $50 shipping to that $340 price tag, then another £50 or so of VAT and handling fees when it gets to UK customs; certainly more than 250 total. Those figures on HK sites look real great but once you add on the extras it works out about the same as buying in this country (sometimes a bit less, sometimes a bit more).


Within that sort of budget you're mainly looking at G&Gs, plastic ICS and maybe some G&Ps if you want all the metal. Check out fire-support, land warrior airsoft and pro airsoft supplies if you want a decent selection of those brands from some reputable retailers

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  • 1 month later...


I'm thinking of getting the g&p special ops also.


I met a guy at a skirmish the other day who had one. He said that when he bought it, it shot at 330 fps, and now it shoots 270 after about 3 months.


This doesn't sound good. I'm thinking this may be down to a lack of proper maintenance on his part.


Any comments?


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I have the same issue with my G&P spec ops, although it still have a great ROF and has provem extremely reliable over the 2 years I have had mine. Would not say it was a maintenece/care issue.


Would still recommend it.




I'm thinking of getting the g&p special ops also.


I met a guy at a skirmish the other day who had one. He said that when he bought it, it shot at 330 fps, and now it shoots 270 after about 3 months.


This doesn't sound good. I'm thinking this may be down to a lack of proper maintenance on his part.


Any comments?


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I would say that's down to user maintenance (probably didn't do the last shot on semi, so spring left compressed). I've had my M16 a while now and (aside from problems previously mentioned) the only problems I've had have been self-inflicted, messing around with the hop up. It still shoots 340 FPS (chrono on Saturday).

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I have the G&P MRP. Is a lovely gun. I have had gearbox issues but that was 100% down to me trying to "service" it.


The spec ops was on my list of potentials.





oh and my M4 MRP is up for grabs at the mo!

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