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A step in the right direction...

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Care of Kenxin on Arnies, I have news of W.E.'s latest releases - and one of them is making me veeery happy.


P228 - non rail. :D

Looks like I can finally make my NCIS loadout without having to pay £1K + to buy the stupidly rare Prime 228 kit.

It's almost nearly a P229 non-rail! :D

Here's hoping W.E. finish the SIG-Sauer P220+ non-rail family by making a P229 next year!


And also they're making a Glock 19.

No-where near as exciting as the P228 in my opinion, but I'm sure someone out there must be overjoyed at this decision.


Happy hunting!

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What will be of particular interest to me is if WE release some CO2 magazines for their Sig line.


I'll be all over them like a kid with hot cakes if they announce CO2 compatibility.

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Wot am gas in that P228 gnu?


That's gotta be red, surely?


Am gnu uses green gas. Not CO2.


And... err... it's grey-black, like all SIG gnus are.

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I kind of guessed that, but I'm not sure why Finius would ask.

I was under the assumption that red gas was the one that causes guns to a'splode in high temperatures? (Or am I thinking of another gas?)

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Apparantly its freon22, no idea about the relavance of that but it sure sounds cool. But yeah, its more powerful that green definitely, not sure how it stands up to co2 though.

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I thought Red gas was illegal in the UK? I've certainly never seen any sold anywhere.

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