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Which one ?

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not the AGM M14 - they're a pig to work on.

not teh asg G36, it's alright but nothing compared to the G&G

same for the AK


Definatly the G&G one. good range, decent ROF, very very skirmishable



What about the g&g raider vs the g&g mp5

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I have the MP5 and it's utterly fantastic in every way, except that it's slightly lacking in range for outdoor play, you'll need to look at upgrading the barrel and the hop up if you want to take it to a woodland game.


If you're an indoor or CQB player though, then you won't need to do a single thing to it, mine is still completely stock and after a whole year it hasn't skipped a beat, it's got to be one of the best and most realistic MP5 AEGs out there as far as out of the box performance is concerned. Came shooting a very consistent 328fps and it's still bang on the 330 region even now.


I've added a review on here if you want to steal a look at it.


I would recommend an M4 platform though, there's just more you can do to them, rails for grips, lights, lasers, grenade launchers etc etc, they're just so modular.


Happy shopping either way, nothing more exciting than waiting for a new gun to arrive.

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I'd say the Raider L as I own one and i think its impressive out the box, plus you have the option of rails meaning flashlights, grips etc etc

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