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  1. just had my first skirmish was amazing and btw for anyone who hasnt played the rumors are true airsoft is 500X better than paintball

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Airsoft_Mr B

      Airsoft_Mr B

      Awesome glad you enjoyed it! My first skirmish was awesome, can't wait to play again because I've been airsofting for a few years but only been to a proper outdoor site once! :0

    3. team flex

      team flex

      ^^wut? outdoor for life mate. :D don't like cqb that much, idk why

    4. mr-bodycounter


      Ehh, i see airsoft and paintball as similar things, like in video games you have arena shooters (doom, quake etc) and tactical shooters (battlefield, medal of honour etc), I personally feel though if you're gonna pretend to be a soldier you might as well do a half decent job of it without massive air tanks and bbs loaded in from a chute at the top.

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