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  • Guns
    Tokyo Marui Scar H Recoil Shock
    TM VSR-GSpec
    Cybergun Co2 Blowback 1911 100th anniversary
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    British MULTICAM
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    Mid-Antrim Paintball and Airsoft
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    Ballymoney Northern Ireland
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  1. Sprayed my gun with OD Krylon, should I put a cost of something over to protect it? If so is there anything in Halfords that would do the job and mix ok with the krylon?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. GearTech


      if you do decide to go down the laqure route now or in the future spray some of the colour you are using on something. Let it dry then spray your laqure. Sometimes certain prducts react badly with each other and halfords don't really say wether some of their products are enamel or acyllic based.

    3. GearTech


      Enamel should go over the top of anything

    4. Lozart


      The issue with ANY rattle can lacquer but particularly Halfords (which is all water based/borne acrylic now by law) is the amount of solvent in it. It's the solvent that may react with the paint. The trick is to use lots of thin layers and allow the solvent to fume off before adding more. That said, I've used Krylon with Halfords rattle can clear with no issues. If you're particularly worried though Krylon do their own matt lacquer (although it is pricey and tricky to source - I g...

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