LOL let me tell you a funny wee story!
I got a pair of x800 bolle goggles a few weeks ago for £55 from the safety company and Bolle siad they cant scratch or fog up.. anyway, mine fogged and got scratched in the first scirmish so they sent me a new pair for free! I was pretty delighted tbh.. got them this morning and emailed them with gratitude.. THEN I looked at the lense on them and they looked like they had some c*nt put selotape on them then pull it off! so I phoned the bolle rep and he instantly told me to keep them and they will sned a new pair today! So by monday next week I will have 3 pairs for the price of 1! SHAMOW BABY!
Yea I was sceptical about he visor - its just for show i think. I got it for the head cam attachment.. fits my fat head like a glove as well! lol
videos to come soon
edit.. shouldnt type and drink.. its bad for spelling!