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team flex

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team flex last won the day on November 7 2014

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1 Follower

Profile Information

  • Guns
    G&G CM16 Carbine,
    TM M4A1
    HFC G17,
  • Loadouts
    standard issue kit
  • Sites
    UW limpsfield

    THE MALL - soon
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  • Interests
    airsoft, cycling, shooting

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  1. would a PC connect to a 42" sony bravia? it says on the instructions that it has hdmi compat but would it work, or would there be an error? BF4 on a 42inch would be interesting with PC

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. team flex

      team flex

      yeah, I know the setup I could do, it would be neat but it would only be while I save up for a nice monitor/ get the pc sooner

    3. Adam3088


      If you want something special for a screen, get a 120hz/144hz monitor. They're generally meant for 3d but while running 2d if you can get a high enough fps then image movement is much smoother then 60hz. Mine's a benq 24", think they're around the £220 mark.

    4. team flex

      team flex

      yeah I would be looking at a very nice w=one but as my build is taking all of my money I will just run with the sony 42"

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