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Everything posted by SuicidalBarrelRoll

  1. Why not? On an already jazzy piece it could add some flavour and texture! As well as bring loud as fabulous duck
  2. Nice...expensive though. Might be good on a GBB pistol perhaps.
  3. Hmm about the chainsaw,its plastic and is a real laugh to muck about with...it'd be a shame to lose that.I'm already 6'1", and have done judo for six years,have kinda big arms and shoulders but the idea of bulking for a loadout tickles me XD
  4. But any thoughts on a sidearm or the idea in general?
  5. I'd be glad to modify one to that. Was thinking of this though:
  6. Well this is already sounding nice and cheerful. So,any opinions on a hilarious (ha ha ha how funny) idea I had for a loadout? Killer Mask (fleabay it) Generic Chest Rig, weathered and ripped Ripped and "bloodied" shirt Arm bandage with wound (again, fleabay it) Mêlée weapon of a toy chainsaw,nice and bloodied up Knives strapped all over the body Primary would be an interchangeable Tri-shot or a stubby m4 raider, if the shotty the chest rig would be abandoned for two bandoliers Ideas welcome for the secondary So, what say you?
  7. Haha I am not only not alone but also exceeded...
  8. My steam account is worth over $720. How the heck did that get the jump on me?!
  9. Hmm...it looked fixed to me, my bad. Anywhere where I can buy it separately? ;p
  10. Love having a dedicated machine <3
  11. Wait is the flash hider amplifier removable? ?
  12. Emulators. All the old Zeldas, which run nicely on my dedicated Raspberry Pi. Crash Bandicoot Warped and the like, and the old SSX. Games of my not so distant childhood
  13. Unfortunately with importing and buying from major retailers, they demand UKARA numbers so..m
  14. The username was conceived when I was 12 after playing a lot of Star Fox 64 with my friend, obviously barrel roll came into play, and suicidal popped into mind, pieced it together and SuicidalBarrelRoll has been my tag in many areas since then. Yourself?
  15. OhhhhhhOhhhhhhhhhhh Hngggggggggggg Solution acquired But I want ris...
  16. Personally, my approach would be to finish my Witch King of Angmar helmet, and command the forces of the dead to do my wishes. What? Mixing up plot lines? Pff.
  17. But how to get g and g m4 combat machine shorty transparent parts? Somewhat a niche market
  18. I concede that actually Now how to source G&G CM parts in transparent that are strong jävlar
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