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Lord_Metile last won the day on May 26 2014

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Profile Information

  • Guns
    ICS MP5 (Cool looking one)
  • Loadouts
    Slightly less of a midget
  • Sites
    Holmbush EAG
    The Mall
  • Gender
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    A place in the world.
  • Interests
    Airsoft (Hurr Durr)

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    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Lord_Metile


      I've been playing for 2 years with a terrible guitar. I can play okay but I'm going to be MLG with this.

    3. Lozart


      Better off going acoustic? No. Just....no. The whole "it's so much easier if you learn on acoustic first" thing is rubbish. Let the man have what he wants. If he's buying an Ibanez chances are the stuff he plays isn't going to work on an acoustic anyway.

    4. Chock


      Generally speaking, it's easier to learn on what you are comfortable with, be that electric, semi, or acoustic. However, it's certainly more practical to learn on an flat-top steel strung acoustic guitar, since you can pick it up without faffing around plugging an amp in, easily take it out and about with you etc, which is important when you are learning, as is playing often, which benefits the learning process. That said, a classical acoustic guitar is easier on the fingertips when f...

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