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Lord_Metile last won the day on May 26 2014

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  • Guns
    ICS MP5 (Cool looking one)
  • Loadouts
    Slightly less of a midget
  • Sites
    Holmbush EAG
    The Mall
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    A place in the world.
  • Interests
    Airsoft (Hurr Durr)

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  1. What's the point of adding a full auto mode on DMR's?

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. AK47frizzle


      Some people like full auto on guns that were designed to have it like the m14, but if they wanted full auto, they would have to sacrifice some fps to around 350 for site limit, but i would gladly do that.

    3. TacMaster


      I'd much rather have a lovely 425 FPS DMR locked to semi than a standard AEG

    4. two_zero


      to prevent gearbox lockup. real sword SVD have a switch that can only be engaged by sticking a screwdriver or similar into the magwell that enables full auto, just for this reason. Also, some people might want to have bursts and some sites may allow it. or if you just upgrade all the internals and spend a lot of time on the rifle to make it more accurate than the average AEG, then keep it 100m @ .2 g, meaning you'd get the best of all worlds (once you accepted the loss of fps)

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