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Profile Information

  • Guns
    StenMK2,Thompson,G3sas,AK47,Sawn Off Shotgun
  • Loadouts
    WW2 - Various
  • Sites
    Halomill, Huddsfield
    Alpha One, outside Wakefield
    Skirmish CQB, Wentworth
    Fear Masters Airsoft, Wakefeild
    Skirmish, Mansfield
    Skirmish, The Stan
  • Gender
  • Location
  • Interests
    Airsoft, duh
    Wargaming, music, movies, books

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  1. getting my AK fixed, again lol

  2. Got me a fn p90 :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Karljohnmason


      i didn't see ya leave fella :/

      good day out :)

      cheers for the lend of the mask :)


    3. cropzy


      No worries. Yeah I had to go. I'll be going again soon, with a friend too as he is getting into the sport and that is the first place I am going to take him.

    4. Karljohnmason


      good call. its such a great site :)

      not sure when I'm next going, skint for the foreseeable lol

  3. The Stan 1st of May :)

  4. Cheers. It does get more fluid the more you use it, but its still a twat lol Have to warm it up to fire the load
  5. How do all Ive just got myself a spring pump action shotgun. the slide is strong as sin. This is my first brand new spring shotgun. will this weaken and become more fluid over time?
  6. At The Stan tomorrow :D

  7. if i get a lower recover sent from the US, will royal mail mess with me? :)

    1. Colonel Kurtz

      Colonel Kurtz

      unless we recapture the colonies wont be royal mail so no. You'll get charged duty/tax etc when it hits customs, possibly have to fill in a form to get it released. Assuming it's an airsoft receiver, you pay the duty/tax, it wont be destroyed or anything

    2. Lozart


      Depending on the UK carrier it may be delivered straight to you with a bill for customs charges + brokerage fees.

    3. Karljohnmason


      cheers guys :) Im gonna try and order it this friday and see what happens. I'll put up a post telling all :)

  8. was set to get a pulse rifle, then the car blew up fml

    1. Lozart


      Be glad it happened that way around. I would have already bought the pulse rifle and THEN the car would have blown up!

    2. Karljohnmason


      True lol the fates seem determined to keep one out of my hands lol

  9. Skirmish Airsoft at Mansfield tomorrow :)

  10. Finally got me a mk4 Osprey :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Karljohnmason


      Aye mtp :)

      and aye no more hit taking from me lol

      I haven't used it yet, but i did do a pose for the camera, i'll dig it out :)

    3. Colonel Kurtz

      Colonel Kurtz

      at least you got an excuse, i just have to keep shouting 'weapon hit' :)

    4. Karljohnmason
  11. I do own a ar57, I like ugly guns lol Yeah it'd look odd, but that's what I'm about. If it wouldn't fit without a lot of work, it'd be a no, and I'll stick to a acog Cheers guys
  12. Will a G36C handle/scope fit on other guns? I'm thinking off putting one on my SR-25. Has anyone had any experience with them? It looks like it should work
  13. Cheers for your replies I have actually been to Halo Mill, just not in a while AAs for sites, guess Im after everything and anything. CQB all the way up to full on infantry battles lol Ed, we have met, Im in one of your vid's. Im the one who bushwhacks you as you enter building 3. Ceasefire called, then you plug me whilst Im having a debate with one of your team lol Shame what you say about the Works. Site looks promising. Mr B. Im sure weve met. I game quite regualy with Paul France. He is what he says he is lol Every one seems to call me the Butcher of Leeds. Not from some crazy airsoft ability, more that Im a butcher and Im from Leeds lol
  14. How do. Does anyone know off any good airsoft sites around Yorkshire? Been gaming mostly pretty much always at Wentworth and Alpha One. Looking to go to the Works and the Stan next year. Are their any others I should know off?
  15. Alpha One this sunday :D

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