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Posts posted by CaptainSwoop

  1. You have to show a good reason why you need the gun to get a Certificate. You need to list all the weapons you want to buy on your application.

    If you want to add more you have to re apply to have your Certificate Varied.. You have to show 'good reason' why you want each weapon.


    Approved rifle and muzzle-loading clubs will allow people to shoot club guns providing they are a club member. There are normally provisions within the club rules, which allow non-members to become "guests", sponsored by a club member, and to use club weapons to shoot on a limited number of days.


    This is the document that has the guidance



    You will see that the types of weapons that are being proposed for this 'military shooting experience' are the ones that are specifically prohibited by law.


    Any firearm which is so designed or adapted that two or more missiles can be successively discharged without repeated pressure on the trigger
    Any self-loading or pump-action rifled gun other than one which is chambered for .22 rimfire cartridges
  2. Permission from the Local Police? What does that consist of?


    Try getting the site licensed as a range. Then get yourself firearms certificate and then getting the variations and permissions on it for the weapons you want. Some of which seem to be prohibited weapons anyway.


    Then try and get a license and insurance to let members of the public in to shoot them.


    Classic case of RTFM. The listing on Component shop clearly states that the charger requires input power of 11-18V DC at 5A or more.


    But Sitting Duck posted


    like I said charger will PROBABLY work within range of 10 to 15v


    This implies he doesn't know and is guessing.

  4. like I said charger will PROBABLY work within range of 10 to 15v

    the positive is most likely the center pin polarity - very important to check

    the size of connector may or not be the same size


    but it is a common fitting so you may find something lying around


    laptop chargers though can be anywhere from 15v to 20v usually

    my acer is a 19v & fujitsu is a 20v - which might be pushing it a bit

    maybe an old pc or tv lcd may have a 12v seperate psu

    (some older tv/monitors had a psu rather than mains cable)


    if you get stuck & may go to LWA then lmk or pm me & will try to help ya out like I said


    Stop saying things like this you don't know that the device he is trying to power will work anywhere between 10 to 15v.


    If the device wants 12v then get a proper 12v charger of the correct rating.

  5. Now we're talking. But having seen how knackered someone gets carrying a Bren around for a day...


    Luckily he has a Sten bandolier, and they can hold a lot of mars bars for energy :)

    IMG_3413.jpgNext to the Flak38, the Bren does not look much smaller. You would need a hefty blowback to have much effect on a gun that heavy.



    Well, there's the mistake, Using a Bren as a rifle!

  6. His Apple Macs. I worked for a company that mainly dealt with Publishing and Media companies. We looked after a lot of Celebs Computers.


    I worked for Rik, Stephen Fry, Jimmy Nail (I taught him how to use Quark Xpress the Pro Publishing software) Terry Gilliam, Terry Jones, Brian Eno and Steve Harris (Iron maiden) Among others.

  7. They sound pretty impressive. If it is true that it is the third hardest substance on earth then it is pretty cool people are using it for our humble little hobby :)

    Well, Diamond is the third hardest known substance.


    Wurtzite boron nitride being the hardest and Lonsdaleite being the second

  8. Anyone who changes their anchor point on a regular basis has obviously not been told that concistanty is the key to accuracy..


    That's the point. They read too many forums or watch an international event and think 'if I do that I will be better.'


    Not for nothing is archery called the 'Art of repetition'

  9. I used to look after his Macs back in the 90s when he still lived in Notting Hill.
    Plus a colleague and I nearly killed his wife. We were driving up Regent Street, stuck in the traffic, she was walking down past Hamleys. We waved, she recognised us and decided to run across the road in front of a bus to say hello.



  10. How can you control a weapon when it isn't solid in to your shoulder?


    These things are fashions. Someone copies something they have seen because they think it gives some kind of advantage and then next thing you know everyone thinks they should do it not knowing why it was done in the first place.


    It happens in Archery all the time. Someone will use variation on their anchor or release and seem to shoot well. Others copy it not knowing why it was done in the first place or even what effect it is supposed to have.

    At the moment it is fashionable to let your bow do an exaggerated drop after the release and people are dropping their wrist at the end of the follow through to achieveit. This goes against the basics of form. It is happening with some archers because of their set up and the damper on he end of their long rod pulling the center of gravity of their bow forward and down.

    there is no need to drop the wrist to get the bow to drop, there is no advantage to it.

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