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  1. People offering to teach Self Defence Airsoft is a new strange concept i cant see the point of. Either do self defence or Airsoft. Ive been doing Martial Arts for 22 years really dont think Airsoft and MMA should Mix. Hope thats only one persons idea and not a trend.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. M_P


      Chances are if you were being attacked and pulled what looks like a gun and they severely injured you, they'd get off fine because they thought you had a gun.

      Airsoft is definitely not a useful form of self defence.

    3. Esoterick


      If it's actual self defense then it is a terrible idea. I always find it worrying that threads come up asking about the topic, it just won't end well. I might be mistaken but would imagine it falls under firearms offenses if nothing else.

    4. AK47frizzle


      lol wut... I've done martial arts myself for 5 years and... no wait... even people who haven't trained will know that's a stupid concept. If it's training to evade shots... that's plausible I guess but hand to hand combat, no.

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