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Lozart last won the day on September 24

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  • Guns
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    A bunch. More chest rigs than can strictly be called "necessary".
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    Red Alert, Newbury
    Ironsight, Andover
    Gunman Camp Bravo, Eversley
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    In your base, stealing all your kills

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  1. Don't you just hate it when you're getting going on a good old VCRA/two tone rant on UKAC and the other bloke goes and deletes his comment.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      at the risk of getting into a row....


      The tiger stripe as I see it is not VCRA compliant


      it is more of a bending of the rule that some attempted to do

      to make their two tone more appealing/sell-able/profitable

      (it is flouting/breaching the VCRA for marketing purposes imho)


      But I may not be 101% correct

      I'll ask Mrs Duck - she is ALWAYS RIGHT

    3. Stratton Oakmont

      Stratton Oakmont

      200% invalid, I love the irony of that statement.

      All my statements on this site are ill informed, but I post them anyway because I'm too stupid too recognise my own stupidity

    4. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      200% invalid = the OP that posted the dumb statement

      plus one of his allies, both stating your argument is invalid


      ergo 200% invalid, or 300%+ if more sheep join the flock/group


      Me - I'm just a fucking idiot just like they say...

      but if they are losing to a fucking idiot, what does that make them


      ahhh but then they quote the classic quote:


      Don't Argue with an Idiot Wisdom Quotes & Stories


      to which the response I might use:


      and you STILL engaged in argument after knowing this ???

      (just how fucking stupid you must be to still engage after knowing this)


      Ahh Ahh but you are still arguing...

      I've already admitted I'm an idiot - did you not see what I wrote

      (are you blind as well as dumb)


      personally with regards to SM bickering the more accurate quote is:


      Never argue with an idiot. People watching won't be able to tell ...


      I got kicked off FB ages ago

      it is amazing that remaining calm & civil actually infuriates people much more than calling them the c*nt you really wish to


      think I've mellowed - nah just getting older (and more stupid) by the day


      in this mad world of ours & lets face it 2020 is fucking mental so far

      let's try to remain a little calm if possible before it really kicks off


      We are in June atm, the first 5 months has been a bit of a horror show

      not trying to scare you but....


      That moment you realise the next 5 months spell J A S O N meme ...

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