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DX115FALCON last won the day on October 29 2014

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1 Follower

Profile Information

  • Guns
    G&G UMG
    WE G17
    CYMA MP5K (2tone)
    TM Foliage Warrior
  • Loadouts
    Woodland DPM
    Urban Casual
  • Sites
    The Fort (fife)
    The Fortress (fife)
    Fife Wargames
    Bunker 31 (Aberdeen)
  • Gender
  • Location
    Aberdeen, Scotland
  • Interests
    Airsoft, falconry, ladies, gaming, coding

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  1. Is it true that posting videos on YouTube of skirmishing counts as being a film-maker? Heard from a few people that it is a good work around of the VCRA

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Moose87


      if you can prove it, posting videos on youtube doesnt make you a film maker unless its set up as a business. but hey the VCRA is so vague then just being on youtube would probly work lol. but if you post videos of you skirmishing then surely the site you skirmish at would just vouch for you??

    3. DX115FALCON


      welp, my "local" shop run that site anyway and know that I actively film there (at least before I had to move for uni) but I'm not sure if someone like Land Warrior (also local to me) would count that as an exempt

    4. CES_williamson


      my local just phones up the company for me and dad to buy guns from for them to vouch for us as we dont go as often as we would like well its more dad is a lazy sod! so we just get our local to vouch for us!

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