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Status Updates posted by Shinobi

  1. Am I correct in hearing that some LT6094 inserts (Like this one: http://www.ebairsoft.com/inner-pouch-6094-plate-carrier-p-5437.html) Can only store 3 STANAG Mag's, as opposed to 4 PMAG's? Apologies if I'm off, just sure I heard it somewhere

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Shinobi


      Ah, okay! Thanks for that!

    3. M_P


      pmags have sides that taper slightly but they're practically the same size to fit 4 of one and 3 of another the 4 would have too be very tight and the 3 very loose :)

    4. Shinobi


      Yeah, it was more of the taper I was thinking of. Should be okay though, thanks!


  2. Anyone had experience with GoPro's and paintball? Me and my brother share one so just want to double check I won't get it broken when I go on saturday. Cheers Guys/Gals

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. GiantKiwi


      BB's do not impart nearly the same force on an object as a paintball.. And no, a direct hit from a paintball will obliterate the lense of a go pro, even with the waterproof shell on. (Talking from experience)


    3. Airsoft_Mr B

      Airsoft_Mr B

      You don't mention the P word on here :)

    4. Shinobi


      Don't worry anyone, it was simply an end of season trip, and didn't nearly match any of my Airsoft encounters. Funnily enough, next season we're off airsofting I think aha. I took it, and only used it for one game as my battery hadn't charged properly. It wasn't hit, so I guess that's lucky as I hadn't seen any of you guys messages. Cheers again!

  3. Do helmets look overkill on 'children'? I'm almost 14 and tall ish, and was considering a helmet to mount my GoPro but quite frankly don't want to look like a... Muppet? I get it's opinion etc but what's the general consensus?

  4. Opinions on ACM optics? I'm going ACM for my Magpul furniture, as on a budget and PTS and Real Steel is hard to get a hold of. But optics, worth getting a brand?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Josh95


      I honestly can see the point of buying an £150 optic for airsoft, i just wanted it to look cool and enable me to aim with both eyes open

    3. Josh95
    4. Shinobi


      Yeah, appreciate that guys. Ordering a few things from Taiwan Gun, they seem like they're a reliable company. Knock off Magpul parts, and maybe now an optic!

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