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AK47frizzle last won the day on September 5 2023

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    Shadow 2, MOSQUITO
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  1. what are some good digital scales?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      I just bought a random set, pretty accurate.


      If you need to weigh bb's pop a load on and average them.

    3. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      if weighing bb's then you need one that has 0.01gm increments. otherwise it will show .25's as .20 or .30. As been said weigh a few to be sure say 10 bb's and you get a better idea on bb's as .25's can display as .23 or .28's due to cheap China scales tolerances. Should be able to get mini drug dealer scales for about a fiver or so on fleabay and they work well - just try to get the 0.01gm version if possible. Same as digital calipers for shimming, plastic calipers work in only 0.1mm but metal calipers work in 0.01mm increments so more accurate for measuring shims etc.....


    4. AK47frizzle


      Ah no it's not for weighing bbs. It's just for general things like pistol parts. I'll look into it though. I already got a mitutoyo caliper hehe

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