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AK47frizzle last won the day on September 5 2023

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    Shadow 2, MOSQUITO, B&T SPR300
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  1. Ok ak2m4... wtf is that delivery speed

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. ak2m4


      most days I'll do 2 Royal Mail drop-offs, one around midday the 2nd around 4:30pm.  It's a bit of a pain but the post office is only half a mile away.  However these days around 90% of items posted around 4:30pm arrived next day.  Royal Mail is upping their prices every year but I figure I would just absorb them as long as they are providing a decent service.  The odd small eBay packet which isn't tracked will go missing from time to time, you don't know if it generally goes missing or is fraud....anyway I'm digressing now 🙂

    3. Prisce


      Do Royal Mail not offer you discounted rates due to the sheer volume you must send with them? I know we get discounted rates from some couriers because of this reason.


      I have never had a bad experience ordering from you, and neither have anyone I have recommended to you either.  If we did customer service awards, you’d win every time.

    4. ak2m4


      RM do offer a discount, basically some loophole where you don't get charged VAT but only on some services.  RM pricing on Large Letter is really good though, the majority of airsoft parts can fit into a Large Letter box fine, hence the cool £1.50 shipping fee

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