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Profile Information

  • Guns
    SA80 A2
    ASR 110
    M63 Stoner
    SIG P226
  • Loadouts
    Generally British MTP
  • Sites
    Humber Airsoft
    Lindsey Airsoft
    Okto Eight Milsim
  • Gender
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  1. Hello and welcome, hope you enjoy it all.
  2. Hello and welcome to the foruns etc etc lol
  3. As a site manager we see alot of kids and usually get alot of complanits eg: non taking hits etc. Most are usually ok but you always get a few who think it is Call of Duty and they are invincible. Just the other day we had 2 kids both were dead (shot by me and my mate) with no one else around to medic them and no respawn. After 2 mins when i turned around got shot in the back by the 2 kids, so i asked what they were doing and they mediced each other but they were dead lol. Most just dont listen to briefs or game briefs.
  4. APC


    We have a variety of events through out the summer: We are still open EVERY SUNDAY without fail, rain or shine. 10.30 till 4 or 6 Wednesdays during School Holidays starting 30th July through August 11 till 3 Weekender Skirmish & Milsim Event 1st - 3rd August Check out the Facebook page for more info.
  5. Hello and welcome to the forums and the sport.
  6. Hello and welcome to the forums, dont to forget to check us out at Humber Airsoft.
  7. Hello and welcome to the site
  8. I hope you had a good time there lol, if not i want to know why
  9. APC

    Site Details

    The bus runs right accross the top of the site, it stops in SOuth Ferriby about 1/2 mile from the site.
  10. Hello and welcome to the forums!
  11. Our events run every Sunday 10-4 and verious other dates to be confirmed. What is Airsoft you say? Airsoft is a growing sport which is similar to paintball, but without the mess. Also being more realistic and as close to the real thing as you can get. You use Realistic Replica Firearms to hit your opponent with a 6mm plastic BB, using the terrain to your advantage to shoot your opposing team. Come and give us a try. What age can i be to do it? All welcome from ages 11+ and from whatever background you come from, we have even had hairdressers and secretary's to off duty regular army and police playing at our events. What do we do? Running all types of games from general open skirmishes to full on Mil-Sims, Also stag do's, corporate events and company outings, please contact us for more information. If you like paintball and laser tag you will love this. I am new to all this? If you are new to it, we have all the equipment for you to have a try at the UK's growing sport, dont be afraid we are a friendly bunch of people so bring your friends for a cracking fun filled day out. We have all the equipment you will need available to hire from guns, clothing and face protection from just £20. Please come and visit us at one of our open days, check the page for more details on our next open event. Fully Insured & UKARA registered. We are a non hi-vis clothing site, which means NO Hi-VIS VESTS are allowed on site not even marshals, wear them, it all adds to the fun and realisim. Our site is Leggotts Quarry in South Ferriby with easy access from the A15 and the Humber Bridge. The site is 50% Woodland and 50% Hilly Quarry terrain. Also to be added in the new year buildings and a Fort. You have to see it to believe the scale of the site. Directions: From the A15 Dual Carriageway Heading South Take the first turn off just after crossing the Humber Bridge towards Barton-upon-Humber. Take the 3rd Exit from the roundabout onto the A1077 towards South Ferriby about 2 miles down the road there is a right turn down a small road. This will be sign posted, follow the road down to the venue. From the A15 Dual Carriageway Heading North Take the last exit before crossing the Humber Bridge, take the first exit (Left) and follow the A1077 towards South Ferriby, 2 miles down the road turn right onto the venue and follow the road down. From Scunthorpe Areas Follow the A1077 through South Ferriby and go up the hill about 1 mile down the road there will be a left turn which will be signposted, turn here and follow the road down to the venue. You will see a flag pole and sign posts at the road entrance. Follow the road down and you will be advised where to park. www.humberairsoft.co.uk
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