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AirsoftTed last won the day on March 3 2022

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1 Follower

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  • Guns
    G&P M4
    TM MWS M4
    G&G M14
    TM G17 with guarder kit
    CA 249 Para with RIS
  • Loadouts
    USMC Force Recon 'inspired'
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  1. Right lads, I'm now driving and live right beside the A20 so have easy access to the M25 so can comfortably travel to good sites further from london. What are some really good woodland sites you guys play at? Would be cool to put faces to names !

    1. Antt570


      Apocalypse Airsoft (Sittingbourne) - 20 minutes-ish from A20


      Billericay Airsoft - 40 minutes-ish from A20


      Both are great woodland sites.. especially Apocalypse with their trench and new layout of the airfield!

    2. BBrotherwood


      Been to apocalypse twice, second time for a night game. It was very cool experience. It also put me off tracer units as they make a lovely target to shoot at in the dark :D

    3. AirsoftTed


      Apocalypse looks right up my street it's exactly the kind of site I've been looking for! Can't believe its only half an hour away from me! Will be down there the minute I get my m4 spring changed

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