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Everything posted by Namaco

  1. This is why I never decided to buy equipment for airsoft from ebay :|
  2. Pfeww.... Nearlly had my ESS delivered to my old address, I could of say "bye bye" to them and my money xD

  3. I like the bullpup guns, to be honest I had a spring L85 two toned when I was like 16 as my parents bought me it for a present.. I liked the feel of holding it, tho not for long, was some cheap shite, jammed on BB's, without knowledge wanted to check what is wrong and bam broke it completely xd, 2 years passed and I still wonder where my buddy is xd
  4. Aaaand back to work on Sunday, cannot wait for my ESS to arrive, First Skirmish gonna be fun :D

  5. The RIS surely did make it look awesome! If I would of own that beast, I would of change the aimpoint for eotech if longer I guess eotech x4?
  6. Will do, I saw some videos and reviews of them so Im rather happy of what I have bought. Hope the lense inserts wont take ages...
  7. I like that AK :'O however the grip w/bipod kinda kills it... I would of understand using soviet one from RPK or something
  8. ESS P-2B RX Prescription Insert & ESS ICE! woho I only need this to get into my first skirmish with my friends before their holiday ends Big thanks to Ian for helping me out! But the shopping list aint empty yet!
  9. Will check it out once I come back from work :'D 50/50 but not really how it should sound xD I have a Polish letter in my surname but I didnt add it used normal English letter
  10. Bought bunch of Polish Patches for my Helikon CPU, GROM, Fighting Poland and a special order with my surname on in wz.93 Pantera to match the CPU from a Polish Airsoft site Preview from a PC Generated Image of how it will look! Looking forward to it, Im rather "Ready enough" for my first airsoft match but I want to show off that Polish pride of mine xd Yap you could say im more into "milsim airsofting"... If I have space on my shoulder's, next step AF-UK Patch
  11. Well yea but I bought long sleeves because I wanted to minimize the pain if I get shot in the arm by a BB :'D
  12. Hah I see well when I do that its tight like something is shrinking xD
  13. Haha thanks, and I just saw I posted it in wrong topic I think D: and I will follow the idea of yours and will tuck the shirt in HOWEVER the problem with the shirt I cannot fold it up because of the buttons and it does not have that button in the center if you know what I mean.
  14. Cannot really say "pro" like everyone else but well I tried I guess, my first clothing at the moment and its not done, I'm missing a CPU Polish Woodland Shirt D: so I have a olive army shirt To finish up my set I need CPU Polish Woodland Shirt and some Olive Vest and lastly goggles, I ran out of money to buy the Shirt so I decided to not wait and buy the remaining stuff like the hat, shirt and gloves. Gotta get that Polish set completed ASAP because in October I probably will have my first skirmish :'D Click on the pictures to zoom in.
  15. Finally the time came! :'D Bought CPU Polish Woodland Trousers and Polish Surplus Puma Glove Now looking for a protective glasses that I can use as to protect my prescription glasses because I hate goggles D:
  16. Gotta agree the helmet looks a bit weird on Ed xD I think a cap would look better lol
  17. Damn this is epic! and very nice tactical team work :'D
  18. Haha can't I just love my fellow Polish woodland that "pride" being one is telling me to buy that xD
  19. Just purchased a first thing ever for my airsoft journey :'D Helikon Polish Woodland Camo Cap from military1st.co.uk
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