Undoubtably the worst gun here, but I'm a beginner and I've only just got it.
Also hasn't got any rails and I like the foregrip handguard thing, could get some rails but it would screw into the battery compartment, I could try to glue it on but I've forgotten the adhesive I would need, the upper receiver is plastic (sportline gun) and a rail would be metal.
Getting more magazines though and some 9mm magpuls.
U liking the green camouflage? no it's two-toned for now
When I get UKARA I'll go back-to-black though. Won't buy a pistol until then either so it can be realistic, don't have to pay extra or paint it myself.
Anyway if I ever want to do some awesome customisation that'll be on my next gun when I'm a lot more experienced and have done airsofting a lot longer, know more about the guns so I can actually customise the internals (if I tried that now I'd probably break the gun, thus wasting £150) and I might get an M4 with RIS and stuff. I'm going to practice painting my M56C first so I can do a better job on my MP5.