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CaptainDumbass last won the day on January 31 2014

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  • Guns
    Wolverine MTW
    Specna Arms Edge Mk18
    Bespoke TM Hi Capa
    TM FNX-45
  • Loadouts
    Black/ Wolf Grey CQB
  • Sites
    South Coast CQB,
    Z Mart,
    Spartan CQB,
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  1. very tempted to sign up for the Air Corps. who wouldnt want to fly gunner/pilot in helicopters for 50-60k a year?!?!

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. jcheeseright


      I should really caveat this with the statement that my knowledge and experience is largely Royal Navy and Royal Marines biased but that I do have a fair amount of daily interaction with the Army Air Corps (mongs, the lot of them). If in any confusion at all contact your local Armed Forces Career Office who will be entirely happy to help.

    3. AirsoftTed


      Oh my bad, thanks for correcting me Cheese!

    4. Moose87


      i second aac are mongs. in the army chopper pilots must be a certain height and weight with a certain arm length. if you join as an officer you have to interview for corps and regiments AFTER you start training. the mostbhigly regarded positions are AAC and royal engineers. also recruitment offices lie worse than a cheap whore. ask any soldier. i have recently left army so can answer some Qs you have

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