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CaptainDumbass last won the day on January 31 2014

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  • Guns
    Wolverine MTW
    Specna Arms Edge Mk18
    Bespoke TM Hi Capa
    TM FNX-45
  • Loadouts
    Black/ Wolf Grey CQB
  • Sites
    South Coast CQB,
    Z Mart,
    Spartan CQB,
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  1. This is a serious question: But what would business look like for a new full time business in CAD, CNC, Milling, 3D Printing, Laser cutting/engraving and Hydrodipping? I get that it would be very pricey to start but would it be possible & worth it financially as a career?

    1. ImTriggerHappy


      Unless you just won the lottery wouldnt think about. Start up costs would be ridiculously huge and established businesses are fighting over work at the moment so there isn't that much profit out there in engineering. Unless you get aerospace or Mod work then your laughing.

    2. CaptainDumbass


      Well, a workshop, and most of the machines wouldnt need to be purchased because i would technically already have them. My father owns a steel fabrication company and im "next in line for the throne" as he likes to say! :P

    3. CaptainDumbass


      As for no business in engineering, come work for network rail, work for them is never going to dry out any time soon!

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