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Alex The Destroyer

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Everything posted by Alex The Destroyer

  1. The Steam sale starts Wednesday, prepare your wallets!
  2. I remember that guy... it was fucking funny watching him reload under fire
  3. At the start it is going around 100ish feet without the hop beded which is pretty good! I will be skirmishing it on the 7th so i will let you know how i get on.
  4. Has anyone on here got the VFC HK146, if you do whats it been like to use and abuse? Im thinking of getting one!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Dan's Ark

      Dan's Ark

      I want a VFC '417. Using a spring rifle doesn't do it for me, need a proper AEG that I can turn into a DMR. :P

    3. M_P


      Of course- just something to be aware of, nothing is worse than turning up and finding out you cant use your new gun :)

      The 417's have trigger issues as it's a new gearbox design with bit on the outside or something, I know someone with one who's has broken at least twice now, once on the first day of use- that may just be a bad batch and nothing a warranty cant sort but again, something to be aware of.

    4. Alex The Destroyer

      Alex The Destroyer

      Thanks for the heads up


  5. Yeh, I hopefully will be getting a sopmod in the summer
  6. cyma ak's are a beautiful starter gun, not that expensive and good build quality. Also src gen 3 g36's are good for the price, and g&g's cm line are good also.
  7. I wish the newer people where on more frequently, so f-ing annoying!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. TacMaster


      Not clever of them.

    3. two_zero


      I get an email on pms on the 3 main forums I am on:/

    4. xiJamesss


      Im only on this one so i can always keep track of whats going on :L will look for other forums for gun sales and that, but i can imagen much better then this :L

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