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Alexb111 last won the day on November 13 2012

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    Anything technical, engineering, computers, phones etc.
    Airsoft (obviously).
    And a few other things I cba to type up.

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  1. Welcome to the forums: http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/index.php/topic/12854-new-player-guides-info/ Will tell you everything you've said above and more. Laws in the UK are a bit tricky to understand at first but everything is explained here
  2. What he's saying is that in his opinion people look down on justbbguns because it caters for backyard skirmishing as well as airsofting. However, let me correct you and say the reason proper skirmishers/Airsofters look down on it is because people buy a £35 gun, go to a skirmish only to find out their outclassed even by the hire guns and then the gun breaks 20 minutes in. Or turning up to a skirmish with a springer pistol. Its not false advertising, there just isn't the knowledge among new players that those guns arn't good enough. Its not justbbguns either, theres a few shops like this. (Also justbbguns have only just started their professional range on which I cannot comment as I have no experience). It gives Airsoft a bad name when people new to the sport don't realise the distinction between indoor/back garden guns and the proper £150+ guns that are most often used. I mean look at some of the guns people have upgraded here, some people have spent well over £1000 on a single build. If you want proof of any of the above just take a look at some of the older posts, there's probably over 100 asking I'm going to start airsoft, is this gun good? - with a link to a shotgun or a springer pistol worth about £25 In the end I can only go by my personal experience, I'm all for people messing around with cheap guns, its just when they arrive at a site and realise they've wasted over £50 which would be much more useful put towards a proper gun. Usually these people are the shortest on cash anyway.
  3. What makes me angry (recently) is people who are looking for a way around the UKARA or defence law. They've made it pretty easy to own an RIF yet people insist on looking for ways around or ways to cheat the law. I mean come on guys, whats the point. Its actually easier to do it legally (unlike most other things ).
  4. Least you still had the cigar right?
  5. Im not saying its easy but I refuse to accept its the same difficulty as Maths, law or Chemistry.
  6. People who post statuses on Facebook and twitter saying they got a first in their 1st/2nd year at Uni when their doing Psychology or Media studies or something. Do a proper course like Physics or Engineering. *No offence to anyone that did any such course but it annoys me when I think that if they did my course they'd probably be on a third or worse..
  7. If your looking for long range shooting you can always get a proper airgun (up to 13ftLbs in any case). Or even try and get a proper gun licence if the range you go to caters for that, depends on if your mad enough to sit down and go through the Government forms and legal stuff
  8. Found the following paragraph on the internet, don't blame me if its wrong If you're not planning on shooting at people but using it for targets/plinking then as the gun gets more powerful it's regarded as an airgun and is subject to the laws for the use of those. The maximum UK limit for an airgun (which require no licensing) is 13ftLbs of which is a LOT more than any airsoft gun will ever be capable of. An airsoft gun as such won't fall under any of the law governing automatics which prevent them from being too powerful. Technically any airsoft guns over 350fps with 0.2g is a section 5 firearm - however this had never been applied to airsoft guns by the powers that be. The long and short of it is, as powerful as current technology will allow, I would not be at all surprised to find out there are guns up to 1500fps or more. Though I would expect they'd be on maybe a 0.8mm round to get more air in, then its just a case of putting that air under as much pressure as possible without damaging it. Huge spring with a wind up action like some crossbows or something..
  9. Similar experience to most others here: I ordered: Well L96 AWP £130 1000 0.3g bb's £15 Scope £40 Mounts £10 Since its over £50 I used the 5 working day free delivery which didn't turn up on time. Tried to call and e-mail them for several days with no response so I sent another e-mail saying If I had not heard from them or not received the goods by the week after the delivery was meant to come I would cancel the order and go through channels with my bank to reclaim the money taken and refer a complaint to trading standards. That seemed to get a response, I got a call from them asking about the delivery, it was shipped the same afternoon and arrived the next day. In conclusion they are pretty cheap and have a decent range of products but if your wanting good customer service and reliability look elsewhere. If you are set on buying from them then my advice is get next day delivery or similar so you can chase it up earlier if it doesn't arrive.
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