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Status Replies posted by Tariq

  1. Need opinions on the various L85 out there. Is the G&G top tech going to be the best deal and Where can I get a Daniel Defence rail for less than £130?

  2. Basically had my upper lip exploded at The Asylum today, as well as someone shooting my Contour lens cover to pieces, tainting the footage from about 2 3rds of the videos I took =[ It was an awesome day though, love the site! :P

  3. What's the law on owning an AEG in the UK?

  4. Been barred from getting on our coach for having RIFs in our luggage <_< This is becoming a gigantic farse already and we've not even gone anywhere yet.

  5. I went paint balling at the weekend...good fun...just wish there was a better way of telling if people were in airsoft...

  6. 12G blank + garden = "Welcome to deaf street" haha, took me by surprise and blew a crater in the snow the size of my head.

  7. Well, as I thought, my sniper is going to need a lot of upgrades... A few mods to improve the feeding mech an magazines too. Bloody Ares.

  8. She's here ! :D

  9. what do people think of all these latest MTP pattern's that are coming out?

  10. what do people think of all these latest MTP pattern's that are coming out?

  11. what do people think of all these latest MTP pattern's that are coming out?

  12. Got a mark back from my first Uni piece of the year. 52/100 - 40 being the pass mark. I literally made it all up and copied the lecturer's references... Someone who actually tried and did it properly got 35/100. Is the system broken beyond repair. Or what?

  13. 2 bits of coursework due tomorrow. Just starting one of them now. 15 / 2000 words down :( Better get a move on. Dunno if listening to the music from the training scenes from rocky is really helping :P

  14. 2 bits of coursework due tomorrow. Just starting one of them now. 15 / 2000 words down :( Better get a move on. Dunno if listening to the music from the training scenes from rocky is really helping :P

  15. 2 bits of coursework due tomorrow. Just starting one of them now. 15 / 2000 words down :( Better get a move on. Dunno if listening to the music from the training scenes from rocky is really helping :P

  16. 2 bits of coursework due tomorrow. Just starting one of them now. 15 / 2000 words down :( Better get a move on. Dunno if listening to the music from the training scenes from rocky is really helping :P

  17. 2 bits of coursework due tomorrow. Just starting one of them now. 15 / 2000 words down :( Better get a move on. Dunno if listening to the music from the training scenes from rocky is really helping :P

  18. Placement applications sent off. Hopefully TATA reply. I have saved them thousands of pounds before XD

  19. Bloody snow means I can't get to my site on Sunday to play in the snow! Possibly the shittiest paradoxical situation ever.

  20. Placement applications sent off. Hopefully TATA reply. I have saved them thousands of pounds before XD

  21. Those new ICS Grenades look like the best thing to happen to airsoft since the invention of the AEG, bye bye money.... if they're ever legally available in the UK....

  22. Placement applications sent off. Hopefully TATA reply. I have saved them thousands of pounds before XD

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