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Everything posted by Tariq

  1. TM SPAS-12 (second hand off this forum) 1 step closer to completing my Black Mesa Kit. All i need is a G17, a .357, and a MP5 with a M203
  2. Can't wait to get my HK416 Stuck in customs atm Recently bought off this forum
  3. Ha. Love that feeling when you overhear people talking about how rare their magazines are for their MP7/MP9 and they only have 2, then you stroll past with your 9/10 magazines on display
  4. Crayons. Not just a substitute for food!
  5. Placement applications sent off. Hopefully TATA reply. I have saved them thousands of pounds before XD

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Chippins


      Good luck with that then bro, they'll love you if your saving them money haha

    3. Tariq


      Cheers. They probably didn't notice it happened :P Was working for a company that manufacture the suspension parts for landrover. Ended up testing a couple of parts and found huge irregularities with some, so had to test the entire batch (120,000 parts :( ) for dodgy ones. If the dodgy ones made it though to landrover, they would have probably broken the cars suspension and would have to recall half the cars :P

    4. Chippins


      That's pretty impressive mate, I've only worked on the actual manufacturing side with regards to stuff like that, its interesting on the first day or two and insanely boring once the machines become an every day sight, here's to making a break in the film industry haha

  6. MP7 broke itself. Luckily KWA are awesome and got new parts coming already. Also, its snowing.
  7. Since i had the Mp7 in a rucksack... the front receiver cover has snapped off just ordered a new one from KWA USA. Also a new trigger, trigger spring and valve for spares. Not bad for $28 including postage though.
  8. Yeah the EOTechs have a NV fuction, but on clones it just changes the redicule from Red to Green. 552 looks alright on guns. Personally the 551 looks a little too stubby.
  9. Farmers, also a guys dad down my street. Seen quite a few hunting rifles under the stairs XD
  10. you can try, but remember... "Everyone and their mums is packin' round here"
  11. Im 20 and yet to get my 3rd gun (excluding pistol) :/ (that said, i don't buy cheap ) That should be changed soon though There is a kid at my local down south (15/16???) and has like a bazillion systemas, celcius, TM guns...) All from the bank of parents.
  12. This is good news Will prob get the plain or the survival FAB. The VLTOR is a little pricey at £120 :/ Might have to get parts AFTER i've payed rent
  13. Ive seen some Fab Defence stuff on UKMCPRO which look ok. Although 1 has the spare mag in the stock (dunno if an airsoft mag will fit though :/ might be neat carrying around a mag with inerts though) And another is the G-shock which has the anti-recoil thing. Big nono for GBB I WANT to feel something XD Will check out them though. cheers.
  14. RA-TECH order has been confirmed and will be here end of the month Now just to find a nice silencer and stock to go on it. Apparently only RS stocks fit properly. Gonna be hard finding something in the UK that isn't RS Magpul
  15. Im guessing i know what you mean. Like a molle admin panel with more molle instead of Velcro? Would be costly but why not new single pouches?
  16. Lets get this assignment sorted so I can go airsofting Saturday :D Its been far too long.

  17. Snap. Then i realise i'd have to go get a job otherwise then the coursework starts getting done
  18. Ive done that in my black mesa kit Thats bright BLUE ! Best camo is staying still / low, and try and be behind cover. Suitable camo does help though.
  19. RA-TECH HK416 Mmmmm bye bye Uni loan XD

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. M_P


      Only the forthcoming vfc 417 as far as I'm aware (if you count that as an AR). Then there's the we scar h but that'll never be released

    3. Airsoft-Ed


      I wish someone would come out of the blue and announce a GBBR L129A1.

      I'd preorder it right now.

    4. M_P


      that really would be great, actually thinking about it, I'm sure I remember something about vipertech making prototypes for a 7.62ar

  20. 2007 Repsol CBR125. Trusty workhorse since i was 17. Had a 1973 Yamaha V50 until some lady knocked my brother off it :/ Such a nice old motorcycle. Also have ridden a Honda Cub 70 since i was 14 in Malaysia
  21. Dunno why but my Asian side is taking over XD Listening to East Asian pop and watching anime all this week :/ Must be my recent lack of airsofting.

    1. iAcorn


      Nothing wrong with a bit of asian stuff :P I watch animes and sometimes listen to jpop... Its fun! Plus Mangas are awesome! If I was japanese I would totally be an otaku

  22. Back to Coventry on Tuesday :) Can finally complete the MGS series :P Also bring on Airsofting 2013. Revolver and AG36 on the way :D

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