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    ASP383 got a reaction from Tactical Pith Helmet in The 'How Did Your Airsoft Day Go? Thread   
    @Dan Robinson, shame to have missed you, my lad and I were orange team too ... can see the enemy through 30' of foliage, but not someone 5' away!
    My lad and I went for the afternoon, we got separated while going through the woods to try to flank the other team, he ended up lost for about 10 minutes trying to find his way back into play and we only caught up with each other back at the safe zone. I tagged along with a sniper and together we flanked round to near 1 of the towers, the sniper got tucked down in the undergrowth on the opposite side of the track to me, where he had a line of sight more towards the tower and my blindside, but could also swing round to his right, where I was covering 1 of the paths enemy players would be using to get to the tower, I was also able to cover behind us, in case their players tried flanking us or just happened up that way. Together we got a few kills and then I noticed an enemy player in the tower, so went for him. The sniper then shouted hit and a few moments later, I felt something on my jacket, unsure if it was a twig or BB, I decided to call it, walking back, we went right through the enemy team, so after respawn, we knew where to go and worked our way up, both hit again, respawned and went back to same are, where we, now with a 3rd team member eliminated those players. all too soon, the game was over though.

    Unfortunately, when we got back to the safe zone and caught up with my lad, he wasn't looking right and said he had a migraine coming on and he'd forgotten to bring some medication with him (I'll make sure he has some for next time), so he wanted to call it a day, but he did enjoy his game and managed a few kills too. 

    Will be good to meet up with others and I'll keep an eye out Dan, or any others on here if you're playing when down this way.
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    ASP383 reacted to Dan Robinson in The 'How Did Your Airsoft Day Go? Thread   
    Made it to Driver Wood yesterday, and have to say it is one of the best Safe Zones I've seen,  clean, plenty of covered tables, decent food and toilets too.
    Chrono was effective  - my new G36 was too hot, my L85 needed a few mags run through it to calm it down too.
    The game zone was pretty damn good too with plenty of vehicles to play around and in (including two Sea King helicopters and a London bus.   I was rather miffed to discover that the non hit taker I was about to call out was in fact stood behind a fully rolled up window, and there was now two hicaps worth of BBs sitting in the back seat of the open window I was shooting through. LOL.  Show's it's worth checking before making a knob of yourself and complain unnecessarily (see story below).
    Sadly I just couldn't get into the feel of things apart from the last game of the day.  Not sure if it was me having a lot on family wise at the moment and not having the boy with me, or if it was the worry of my knee giving up (which thankfully it didn't).  Certainly not the fault of the site.  Games started off with a TDM, then various item acquisition and domination games.  One criticism I do have though is that the attitude to spawn camping by the marshals was rather soft.  Our team seemed to always end up pinned down to a certain extent, but to be fair the green team were much more organised and pushed forward much harder than our team at the beginning of each game giving them the upper hand.
    The best game of the day for me, was the Escort the VIP.  Said VIP had to reach certain locations and stay there for 5 minutes before moving on.  We had one amusing incident where I was helping him through the CQB area and we were firing as we moved.  A guy (who was on his third day in a row thanks to NAF and possibly "tired and emotional") was rather upset that he thought we were on full auto whilst slot shooting him.
    We (then a marshal) politely pointed out that we were both on semi, and that shooting him through the slot he was hiding behind was perfectly OK, as well as the fact we were in the open at the time.  His whining then went on to rate of fire, seeing as he lost all other arguments; and that the slot shooting rule was not explained to him properly.  At which point the VIP and I just wandered off to have fun elsewhere.  Especially ironic as his team were not the greatest at hit taking and we had been taking full auto hits all afternoon without moaning; plus there was some very dodgy hit taking and a lot of blind firing from one of his pals who was holding the big tower in an earlier game.    For what it's worth the slot shooting rule is the same at every other site I have played, so why he thought it was any different here I don't know. 
    My new fan-equipped eye pro, courtesy of @mightyjebus proved to be very effective.  The only issue was the unavoidable "raining" on the lenses when the sweat was really pouring; but no amount of anti-fog is going to help with that unless wipers are fitted.  A gentle draft across the lenses kept them nice and clear, with no problem of the eyes drying out.  Pew of the day was the DE 904 - whilst a little short on range, the accuracy and shot consistency more than made up for it.  Specna and L85 were working well, although for some reason BBs were veering off more than usual once they got past 30 metres or so.
    Shame to have missed @ASP383and @Asomodai,  maybe another time?  Will certainly try and get there again as it happens to be just off a short cut I take when I drive to my dad's house -so I have been driving passed it unawares for years LOL.  I know the boy would love it because of the vehicles.  
    One last amusing occurrence was a bunch of guys doing an paintball stag (judging by the outfits) do came up to me and asked if us airsofters were on some kind of military training - my reply was "nope just like you guys but with more realistic guns and better value for money"  which is when I noticed their surprising collection of deactivated weapons for a picture - including what looked an awful lot like an AT4 rocket launcher and a Mauser anti tank gun.
  3. Like
    ASP383 reacted to Dan Robinson in Hi all, new member   
    Think you got the best game of the day TBH.  Sorry your lad couldn't carry on....I'm gonna post in the the How's Your Day thread later 👍
  4. Like
    ASP383 got a reaction from Dan Robinson in Hi all, new member   
    Only just seen your message Dan, We got there for the afternoon games, can't say I noticed you, was looking out for your patch though. We only managed 1 game in the end, as my lad got a migraine and had forgotten his medication. At least I know the  Maple Leaf 275mm 6.03mm  barrel and 70* hop rubber I fitted has helped flatten the trajectory and close up my grouping, just got to decide it the G&G CM16 Raider is worth spending the money on to try to quieten the gearbox, or keep it as a back up/loaner
  5. Like
    ASP383 reacted to Dan Robinson in Hi all, new member   
    I'm set up just by the entrance If you're about....on the orange team that just got slayed in TDM 🤣
  6. Like
    ASP383 got a reaction from Shamal in Hi all, new member   
    The site has free wifi in the safe zone, but doubt it extends over the whole 30 acre site. will have to see what normal signal is like, although I've noticed in general, mobile signal has reduced and since Virgin Mobile changed to O2, the signal is even worse, however, I'll give the app a try.

    Don't worry, I'd rather call a hit, even if not 100% sure about and like I've told my lad, if you've been pinned in 1 area, at least you can try a different route/area after respawning.
  7. Like
    ASP383 reacted to Shamal in Hi all, new member   
    Hi bud and welcome to the looney bin 🙂
    We use the ares alpha system and it's pretty good but signal dependant.
    Still run Comms as well for fast updates.
    Enjoy and call ya hits👍
  8. Like
    ASP383 reacted to Dan Robinson in Hi all, new member   
    Yep...sounds about the same for my boy too 
  9. Like
    ASP383 reacted to Dan Robinson in Hi all, new member   
    90% sure I'm going....I'll be the very tall one in an Osprey plate carrier with a LOADOUT patch on the front. 👍
  10. Like
    ASP383 got a reaction from Dan Robinson in Hi all, new member   
    Too busy sometimes, but it's the wife I feel sorry for, especially during school holidays!
    We're looking to go Monday too, was hoping to have a look round the boot sale, but school uniform and supplies come first, so just the afternoon session, as he can't cope with a full day yet, but never know, may get him there in time.
  11. Like
    ASP383 reacted to Dan Robinson in Hi all, new member   
    Welcome!  You sound like a busy bunny. 🤣
    Trying to get to Driver Wood myself on Monday.
  12. Like
    ASP383 got a reaction from gavinkempsell in Hi all, new member   
    Hi all,
    Got into airsoft properly this year, because my oldest lad wanted to start, although I had a few airsoft pistols back in the '90s, they ended being sold/traded within a few years to concentrate on my airgun shooting. Overall, I've been shooting for 35 years, including qualifying as an airgun shooting coach, however, since that certain bug a few years ago, my air gunning has taken a back seat to my other hobbies, although I still have access to an 8.5acre woodland. Currently we just have our 2 tone AEGs, but we'll be looking to build our collection, only been to Driver Wood Activity Centre to date, although Dogtag is as close. My lad suffers with a few health issues, and sometimes finds it hard going in a woodland setting, so wants to try an indoor CQB site, looks like the closest is at Epsom, so will look at going there when the weather turns again & the ground gets too wet for him.

    My other hobbies include freshwater and beach fishing, outdoor activities, 4x4 driving and amateur (ham) radio, so you could say I've been socially distancing, before it became popular.
    With 5 kids and a patient wife, my spare time has to be divided between them all, their own hobbies, as well as mine.
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