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Galvatron last won the day on December 24 2023

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1 Follower

Profile Information

  • Guns
    Double Bell P90 w/ Perun v6,
    Specna Arms G36C EBB,
    WE Baby Hi Capa

  • Loadouts
    Multicam bits & pieces mainly from Viper and OneTigris.
  • Gender
  • Location
    South East
  • Interests
    Gaming, Motorsports, many things STEM

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  1. "I don't care that the stock and handguard look like Jermaine Jackson's dyed hair compared to the receivers. I kN0w wh4t I'v3 g0t!"
  2. Clearly, he took a good toke from his crack pipe today. https://www.usedairsoft.co.uk/rif-s/electric-powered/gg-armament_i76524 Not only has his pisstake gone up to £360 for the Warthog, he also exposed his gun as being a resprayed two-tone without disclosing it in the description so what else is he not being honest about? You can't unsee the two-tone once you look at the stock. 🤦‍♂️
  3. https://www.airsoft-hub.com/item/37012-gg-combat-machine The seller wants £300 for a used G&G rifle you can get for £290 from Patrol Base and £60 for a used torch retailing for £55. Also after £100 for an unbranded two-tone "1911" that I'm pretty sure is a Hi-Capa (possibly WE Tech) with the base plate the wrong way round or the mag's been inserted incorrectly.
  4. Damn it! I do rather like the look of the PPSh. It should be the law that it's supplied with a drum mag.
  5. https://www.airsoft-hub.com/item/36945-m4-fully-kitted I'll put my hand up if I'm wrong. The seller's not exactly been transparent about this "Pioneer M4". I see what looks like a Rock River Arms so perhaps it's something from Specna Arms but the 3x magnifier looks like the cheap jobbies you can get for a tenner (if that) at a boot sale. I assume the Eotech holo replica is one of the dime a dozen on the used market and have similar thoughts on the bipod. I don't see this being worth £180 used. I'm not going to comment any more on how far forward the holo is that it bothers me more than it should.
  6. What's the outer barrel diameter of the Sig Romeo 5? If it's either 26, 28 or 30mm, one of these push-on lens protectors would do the job. https://projectairsoft.co.uk/collections/sight-accessories/products/28mm-red-dot-sight-lens-protector I have the 28mm on one of my RDSs. The shroud is 3D-printed so you probably won't get away with stretching a 26mm protector over a 27mm barrel. Alternatively, if the diameter of the Romeo 5 is 28mm, you have this option from Patrol Base with a rubber shroud. https://www.patrolbase.co.uk/wadsn-flashlight-protector
  7. In my case, renewing my annual membership gets my UKARA number renewed with it though I played more than enough occasions several times over since I got the latter anyway. With a couple of recent events involving morons open-carrying imitation firearms and blank firing guns in public or in areas visible to the public, I'd imagine sites that register with UKARA are more "by the book" now so you should expect to play the 3 games over again.
  8. Yes, along with a bit of a monologue that she broke it in a fall and words to the effect of "She's gone now so it's time for the gun to go too."
  9. I hear you. Similarly frustrating is where they are transparent about items needing to be back-ordered but they're overly optimistic about the lead times.
  10. No worries about being neurospicy. A few of us are on that spectrum. Did you receive that false reference number via email or by post? If you have that paper trail, you absolutely should put that in your claim, especially when you allege they've given a false number twice - that can easily be perceived by the fraud team as a stalling tactic. While my own experiences with Bespoke Airsoft have been positive (I only buy in person or do click & collect), I've seen a lot more complaints in the past 18 months. I remember one fellow in store who'd spent a small fortune on his gun and rightfully complained about a failed repair on it when he returned to pick it up and tested it on the range.
  11. https://www.airsoft-hub.com/item/36702-electric-airsoft-gun Rather optimistic with his pricing. The goggles, opened BBs and batteries should be deal sweeteners, especially as the LiPos can only be shipped inside the RIF. You can get the Nuprol DPD new for a little over £90 and a decent balance charger for another £30 or so. https://www.ammodrop.co.uk/nuprol-delta-pioneer-defender-aeg
  12. Call me a cynic but I don't think trustworthiness is the issue. If you spend 8 weeks and 3 games to get a UKARA defence and be a dick in public with a RIF, you've given the police and CPS plenty of evidence of aforethought to the crime.
  13. Welcome! You have nothing to apologise for. We were all there once. As ButcherBill said, I would personally recommend either renting guns at a site first (or buying used) then buying RIFs after getting your UKARA number. As tempting as it is to buy your own guns first, you'd have to buy two-tone until you have UKARA or a suitable defence. Selling them on can be quite difficult unless you're willing to take a significant loss. I'm not aware of any airsoft site whose insurance doesn't stipulate full-face protection for under-18s so you'd need to look for a mask for your lad. In addition to EDcase's suggestion to look for posts about the best eyepro, your safest bet is to look at dedicated airsoft/paintball retailers. I wouldn't trust AliExpress/Temu (I'd also be very cautious with eBay and Amazon unless they specialise in airsoft gear) for eyepro as there are lots of resellers lacking much in the way or moral qualms who either peddle fake goods that aren't safety rated while their legitimate counterparts are. sell off the shelf googles and slap "airsoft" in the description to make a quick quid EN166B (full seal around the eyes) for goggles or ANSI Z87 for glasses are the safety standards you should look out for. Bloc's product specs give a good example https://www.bloctactical.com/bolt
  14. To play devil's advocate, what's to prevent you from condemning yourself to the same or even a worse fate when, using your own words, you've abused your gun? Prior to the problems you're experiencing, did you rule out your ammo being the issue and not the inner barrel? As Rogerborg said, you should aim to run the heaviest BBs your hop can lift. A heavier BB should be more accurate at distance on the same gun because it has more mass to be less affected by crosswinds. When I play outdoors, to paraphrase Linda Evangelista, my primary won't get out of its case for less than 0.28g. For skirmishing, I wouldn't personally recommend 0.2g on a primary.
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