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Everything posted by BigBell1987

  1. Alien Isolation is brilliant, I'm late to the party on it, it's very nerve racking and very true to the movies with a good story where you play as Ripley's daughter searching for her and it's actually quite long and meaty. It's more survival horror than a shooter, lots of hiding/cowering, you get guns but using them attracts the Alien and flame thrower ammo is rare so your best sneaking around obstacles. Humans for pretty easy with a wrench to the head, Android and Aliens not so much. My preferred online shooter at the minute (don't have a pc) is Hell Let Loose. WW2 FPS. Really fun game. A team is made up of one Commander who pretty much orchestrates the plan as a whole, he has various command abilities such as drop in supplies, tanks, order airstrikes and more. Supplies are needed to build resources which increase his points to spend on such things as well as for engineers to build defences such as sandbags, barb wire, bunkers and more. Commander has radio Comms to speak to squad leaders aka officers. Squads are made up of an officer who has direct Comms with the commander and relays information between his squad and command, they have binoculars to scout around and mark objectives and the ability to build outposts and garrisons. Outposts are spawn points for a particular squad, garrisons are spawn points for every squad but need supplies to be built. The rest of a squad is made up of 5 other players who can choose between infantry, Anti tank, engineer, machine gunner, assault as far as I can remember, each has their own set of skills and most are restricted to one per squad. You also have armoured squads for tanks which are made up of an officer and two drivers or is it 3 drivers, basically a spotter, driver and gunner. Recon squads are made up of a spotter/officer and a sniper, I think there's 2 per team. The game is generally a capture a sector game, sometimes both teams are fighting to own all sectors and others you are either defending or attacking. This is a very basic summary, if you like the sound of it watch some YouTube and invest it's great, especially you PC guys who can run servers and such, can be hit and miss on console as it's matchmaking and all depends on the quality of commander and Comms between squads but the pc communities have some well organised teams. I'm currently playing a story driven game, almost an interactive movie called "As Dusk Falls" which is also very good, it's a gritty story whereby two families lives entangle through a robbery gone wrong, you make choices for both families which continue to have effects across a couple of generations as the children grow up to live with their parents choices and make some of their own. You can play it multiple ways lots of repeatability, characters are deep and the choices can be quite gnarly sometimes. Hope you try them and enjoy them!
  2. Apologies. To me though it kinda is on topic, at least for some of my stance throughout ie the ability to give credit to some aspects of someone that one dislikes as oppose to allowing the things one dislikes to form ones entire opinion. Let's all try that as a group therapy session, list one reason you dislike KM and try your hardest to list one thing you possibly like but hate to admit 😂 also only use what you saw with your eyes on your negative point ie in his vids and such. I'll start, I dislike his 0-100 anger (although somewhat entertaining). I liked when he was in France and clambered up some rocky/slate hillside and seemingly disappeared while 15 or so enemy units walked straight past him! Good to know, knowledge appreciated! Doesn't dismiss the whole point though right, meaning you get my drift? I hope you wouldn't allow your general distaste for my opinion on some subjects to motivate you to nitpick any one point of any paragraph I write totally disregarding the whole statement and I offer my hand in order to dissolve any potential lingering animosity 🤝
  3. Thank you Master, but a humble Padawan I am pleased with your kind regards!
  4. You can hate Nazi ideology and the fact that they are accountable for so much loss of life while retaining that you like things about them, they committed atrocities bu nobody can deny that they did it in style. Hugo Boss uniforms and quality kit, Tigers and Panthers, Stg 44's, Mp40's, MG 44's, P-38's the list could go on a long time especially if you include their prototypes and theories such as tornado guns, helicopters, avenger style flying fortress's and advanced rocketry even architecture. I don't like the deletion of history, it stands better as a valuable lesson than it does a taboo that shan't be discussed, I think Germans should be allowed to take pride in some of the feats of the Nazis while retaining the shame of the ideology and atrocities. I'm proud of our men and our country for many daring feats against the Nazis an often formidable foe who seemed unbeatable yet they stood up anyway as heroes but I'll still retain some shame for atrocities such as Dresden.
  5. @RidiculousReedAppreciate your response! I'll keep you in mind for anything I may need on the plastics front and I'm going to follow you incase anything develops on the metalwork front. The fact that you do things cheap for the community, thrill of creation, exploration and some beer money is highly commendable but I'd expect you to make a decent profit should I use your help. I'll check out that thread today, thanks again. @Tactical Pith Helmetthanks for the tips mate, done some yell searches on small local engineering firms so I guess the best thing is to just turn up with a slide and some ideas and see who can and will do work. Thanks guys!!
  6. A fair point if one's a free thinker and not subject to psychological disorders which make one susceptible to things like consensus decision making and the like which is not something I'm accusing anyone here of purposely orchestrating it's just something that happens unfortunately although I suspect certain agencies in the world do hold such tools in their armaments and test and refine them frequently. I agree even though I'm conservative 😂 hard being religious in the ever evolving and often bizarre (to me) society we find ourselves in.
  7. Please do scroll, please quote where I specifically mentioned raising limits and when you can't please allow me to clean my mouth of your force fed bull by allowing my departure with your silence. I'm not under the impression that others can't scroll neither in fact I implore them to do so and hopefully they can call you on it to show consistent discredit where discredits adieu proving they call it full stop and not just on people with opposing opinions, perhaps my expectations are a little high though, no actually my expectations are probably on point as what I really expect is some response along the lines of well I can't quote it but you definitely implied it and at that point for the first time in this thread contrary to your so called quotes I will be calling someone weak! I told you why earlier which I won't reiterate as that would insult everyone's intelligence and ability to scroll, as well as get their backs up enough to call me a troll again which I don't wanna do as I'm trying to leave the thread hence why I'm being reserved in my response by simply cleaning your bull off me as oppose to throwing some back.
  8. @spamofthejungle Putting a lot of words in my mouth fella, I never said I was hard, never called anyone a pussy or safety nazi never mentioned raising FPS limits ( you didn't say that but other people putting those words in my mouth too, see how I distinguish what actually came out of your mouth, not difficult). Again I never stipulated which of those fields I would personally play on nor my reasons for a half mask of which a plethora of reasons are possible. I simply stated to paraphrase that perhaps it would be better to have separate fields for those who headshot and are fine with being head shot and those who don't and aren't. I'm happy to be head-shot, not because I think I'm hard but because my face is protected and mainly it's a confirmation that I'm presenting the smallest possible target while aiming down the site ie not blind firing, if I'm getting shot elsewhere then I've been caught slipping from an angle I failed to find cover. Hopefully you can accept that allowing me to exit the thread to everyone's satisfaction without having to reiterate what I did or didn't say. Enjoy your day!
  9. @rocketdogbert @Emergencychimps Fair points, didn't really think about the fact that just to work on an Airsoft slide you would probably need a license still and as you say most regular engineering companies would be dubious about working on something resembling one. Appreciate the 2pence. No doubt Ridiculous will get the @ and weight in his thoughts, if you do @RidiculousReedlet me know what you can do and if you can break down a ballpark price for individual services such as slide cuts that would be cool too. Thanks guys!
  10. Appreciate your response, I actually made note of these and left a tab for them open on my browser as I saw a post mention them for general milling, just weren't sure whether they do all the services mentioned, I'll contact them at some point but I won't waste their time till I'm ready to commit to a budget. In regards to gunsmiths near me they all do very specific services related to very specific weapons and it's mostly servicing and slight alterations, any custom work is usually done on wooden stocks. Surprised the whole custom aesthetics thing isn't that big over here, perhaps there's a good niche there for the engineers amongst the community who run these types of machines, get on it people.
  11. Hi, I'm very interested in the work of ncengravers.com and for the life of me can't find anyone in the UK who does this sort of custom work, anyone know of any reputable workshops? I'm not ready to invest just yet since it's very expensive but I like to do my research beforehand and anything I can do to avoid the lengthy wait times and costly shipping to America is worth looking into. At some point I would like to own a unique pistol, I like the cuts in the slides, the barrel finishes, laser cut grips, laser etchings and paint jobs. Thanks in advance for reading and any input!
  12. Hit a post limit for the day yesterday so couldn't respond, couldn't find a thread discussing post limits, anyone know how many posts per day and does it change based on forum rank? Thanks. Hearsay to most of not all of the mob I reckon. When I say a hardcore version I don't necessarily mean change the power I just mean this field is for people who don't care where they get shot and take responsibility for their face/head protection. I see how you came to that considering the allegations include this firearm stuff, the problem is the number of allegations makes my post seem like I condone them all, I'm not advocating for or condoning those I'm simply saying could there not be a clear distinction between sights which allow headshots from particular ranges with particular weapons and fire rates and ones which don't whatsoever so you can all avoid each other and enjoy the game how you like to play it. I'd apologise for luring you from your hide however since I never stipulated which category I'd personally choose to play in or whether my reasons for a mask are purely cosmetic or safety or perhaps even medical it would seem you had a wasted journey of which I am not responsible. Perhaps your stirring can best be blamed on the psychology of mob rule in which safety in numbers inspires otherwise cowardly children to join a lynch mob. I'm surprised you bothered to be honest, my original comment of making a rod for my own back was somewhat being proven wrong when every response was non personal and based on sharing knowledge and perspective about why they disagree with me until you surfaced. Also find it odd that a comment mocking/belittling the wearing of face protection is recieving likes from people who argue responsible/safe gaming and how the sport is perceived by people outside the community such as parents of would be hobbyists being their motive behind disliking KM in the first place, perhaps some people are just hiding general dislike or jealousy behind virtuousness in order to get what they want or rid of who they don't want. I also follow the BBS and not the hit markers and yet come to a different opinion. Granted I see some questionable ones but that's the case with every channel I've seen. Plenty of the cheater calls acknowledge their hits on a reaction level but just don't call it, some genuinely don't feel them which calls into question the whole power allegations and others as you say aren't hits in the first place. Ok so this is basically what I've been trying to get at with the whole hardcore mode thing, perhaps instead of destroying individuals those with clout in this community could organise some sort of council of field operators whereby they clearly distinguish which type of field they are and why, make that information very bold on all forms of advertising and in briefs etc so that people only end up playing at sites they are comfortable with like-minded players, also if a term can be devised which clearly distinguishes between regular Airsoft and the harder version then the KM style players can be insisted upon to not label their videos Airsoft so as to not tarnish your version. Cheers, appreciated!!! Sorry I didn't quote the whole comment as I realise it basically already disputes my response to rogerborg above in this post and it's your opinion which I've not said anything likely to change so I'll simply quote this bit and say no everyone's not a winner because those who differ in your opinion wouldn't be happy as is the problem in the whole world in any subject, everyone's different and want different things. One might argue that boxing should suffice as a combat sport and is the best method of safely beating each other up and these people spoke out against the rise in MMA but those in MMA were willing to take on more risk for their own reasons and now the sport is enjoyed throughout the world, still a combat sport but clearly defined as not boxing, maybe that's a reach but I think you get my gist. Someone who only saw Amber Heards makeup skills and nothing else was likely seated in her corner being oblivious to the full picture, there's plenty of good conduct in his videos if one bothers to shed their pre-conditioned attitude and watch a fair portion from a neutral perspective. As mentioned above, following the BB works both ways and I do, as I said there's the odd questionable one but more often than not the BB hits and the players body language shows a natural response to a hit without calling it which also brings into question the hot gun allegations since they so willing to take more. Again it seems like there's a hymn sheet being shared around and people just sing from it to stay in good standing in their own church. He had a 3 to 4 inch gash on his leg and it looked pretty deep, you distort the truth sir and it discredits your integrity, also this terrible man everyone loves to hate insisted that the Marshalls deal with the broken grate before they deal with his wound in the interest of the safety of other players. I guess these hymn sheets don't contain words and are merely a collection of bleets and baahs, I hope those who sing from it at least feel a sense of belonging for a while until they themselves make a mistake making them ready for the slaughter. I shouldn't of piped up in the first place, I had hoped my suspicions would be proven wrong and in some cases I was surprised they were however the undertone is clear and I shall (depending on responses) do my best to move on from this thread allowing the mass to continue undisturbed by a non compliant opinion. Good day and peace one and all!
  13. Not sure I've understood you correctly but I'll reply as though I have which I may have... I may be a little fuzzy but I didn't see the news about mass body counts from real firearm shootings at Airsoft fields and Kicking Mustang on any wanted lists. How many did he kill so far?
  14. Thank you, got a basic CQB load out will roll with it for now and hopefully get decent with that before I get a big gun. Not interested in pyro and such, it's cool but seems like just throwing money away for a few kills. I'm quite reserved a reckon. Not into the hi capacity mags and all that stuff neither, I like to switch mags under pressure and such, feels realistic and adds to the immersion. My cash problem will probably come from expensive CNC work on pistol slides and such things like that. Thanks again for the welcome, I'll be over to your channel before the nights through!
  15. Ok I see your point. Perhaps in the interest of equal representation and such their could be different teams/fields/games etc for different player types. For example child friendly fields with super strict rules, intermediate for the sort of standard rule sets and then like Hardcore ones for people like Mustang. Perhaps call them differently like literally separate them and have Airsoft and Airhard or hardcore Airsoft or something and make it a requirement that they label their content as such. I don't know just trying to brain-fart solutions as I'm sure there's plenty of people who would sign a bigger waiver to play Airhardcore or whatever is settled on. Does this sport have councils and such who can discuss and rule on things like this as oppose to all the mobrule and divisional arguments?
  16. 😂 Thanks for the welcome, I'll check out @Gamble tube now. Appreciated, thank you! Cool, I'll get a BigBell patch (as well as a airsoft-forums.uk patch of course, once I've decided I like you all 😂)so if you spot it come say hi, thanks for the welcome!
  17. I'm sure if you did watch it you would still form the same opinion however not having watched how does one come to form an opinion of their own? Agreed but when I watch his vids I see many people taking their hits like any other hit from anyone else and their hardware, I see some people complaining and I see others not taking their hits and willing to take five or six more before they acknowledge them so it's hard to say whether the complainers are just complaining or whether their gripe is legit since so many others just crack on with the game sometimes even with compliments. I see your point, at the same time though we are all responsible for ourselves and generally have a moral compass there's good people and idiots in all circles (suppose people are generally sheep though), I'm not on his chode, there's a couple vids where I differ from him in opinion like when he gets team killed and he rants a little about it, I think he should take them on the chin as he's in a ghillie and difficult to confirm team status but he always takes the hit just with a little pointless rant although seems more disappointed than angry. I'm sure there's plenty of people to guide newbies not to mention the site leaders and refs and briefings etc which should all steer them right. Literally had to look this up, I'm in two minds on it, not dug too deep with it so don't know the timeline of it all, if you know how long ago his comments were made let me know, I like to think we are all capable of change/growth/maturity and I don't take others opinions to heart unless they intend to act on them in a violent manner. In regards to the BLM George Floyd stuff I myself have no sympathy for George Floyd he was an animal with a massive list of criminal offences from drug dealing charges to robbery, one in particular he and his goons broke into a pregnant woman's home and robbed her, I believe she got pistol whipped and George held a gun point blank on her baby bump. Also he swallowed a load of fentanyl to try avoid another drug charge so I'm sure he didn't help himself on that day neither, if a policeman tells you to do something while he has grounds for arrest then you comply instantly. BLM as a statement I believe in it BLM as a movement was probably a justified social movement (in America and not because of Floyd) but now the organisation is borderline terrorist and calls for a lot of crap I don't agree with personally, they are still entitled to their opinion as I am to mine though. The Islamaphobic stuff doesn't much bother me neither, I don't agree with it (I am Muslim) but it's kinda time dependant again I guess as since 9/11 the whole world was kinda conditioned to hate us or at least be suspicious of us. The clothing stuff is nothing I haven't heard from many many comedians (Russel Howards stuff cracks me up but he does it in a respectful way kind of) and even prime ministers 😂 The nuke them comment is bad but again I've heard that shit from a lot of westerners during the war on terror, heard soldiers say the same thing, nuke the rag heads etc again it's an opinion and they been fighting against so called Muslims and losing friends to them and such so again I don't lame them or begrudge them, just is what it is. I guess my point is people are entitled to think what they think based on their own life experiences or small mindedness whatever it is, I'm big enough to not let it affect me and pride myself on not melting every time someone differs with my opinion. I don't agree with everything with everyone including my family and friends and if I cancelled everyone who doesn't completely agree with me on all things I'd be solo in all things and a very very bitter person.
  18. I enjoy his videos! I'm probably creating a rod for my own back being new here and hearing the general opinion of him but each to their own. Perhaps my opinion will change as I get more personal experience or if I take a hit from him some day but I doubt it. It's YouTube, pinch of salt, purely entertainment, looks like loads of drama but it's edited from many hours of footage and everyone can follow who they want and receive similar suggestions from the algorithms. I bet some of the people who hate him are actively paying him by watching his videos so let that be an incentive to tune out and pay him no mind and you'll likely forget about him till you come across him in the field. Bad press is good press, stop feeding your monsters.
  19. Also in Manchester, maybe I'll see you around. Is Chemical Airsoft the one in Oldham/Ashton in the old pharmaceutical building?
  20. Man walks into a pet shop and approaches the clerk. "I wanna buy a wasp" Clerk responds "We don't sell wasps" Man replies "But you have one in the window"
  21. New forum member just saying Hi! Only rocking a Pistol at the minute so sticking to CQB which is mostly what Manchester has on offer anyway, will play more outdoor when I get a bigger platform. Interested in snooping around absorbing veteran knowledge and perhaps getting under the wings of local people. Thanks and good day to you all!
  22. Perhaps put it on your pre game checklist to approach any Ghillies on your own TEAM and work with them, obviously they generally work alone but if a conversation can be had whereby you establish their general style of play and personal objectives etc or request that they support your squad from particular tactical positions and such then it would be less confusing and you just light up the rest, could also offer an advanced apology for the potential of friendly fire and give them an opportunity to say out loud no worries that's the risk we take. In regards to band placement does it really matter when the suits fabric is going to cover it anyway? They spent a big budget on concealment let them have it, it ups the level of alertness and precaution you have to take and makes for more immersion in general. They get the advantage of concealment and a disadvantage of single shot bolt action fire etc which leads me to agree that if you wear a ghillie you should probably have to use a bolt action and a pistol to even it all out.
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