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  1. Thanks all who replied, I am currently waiting on word back from the Depot in port Glasgow. The mankini thing is also a great shout. Will probably pick one up 🙄
  2. Il drop them an email. Thanks 👍
  3. Are spammers not supose to try and sell stuff or get your private info lol ? Im just looking to pay up after losing a bet that i actually started 🤷‍♀️
  4. Hello everyone and thanks for taking the time to read my post. To cut a long story short i lost a very high stakes bet with a group of male friends of mine and the forfeit they originally chose was for me to play a round of paint ball....completely naked (could wear mask/goggles and trainers) but i have been unable to find anywhere that would allow me to honor this forfeit. So now they have suggested airsoft instead. Does anyone know anybody in the airsoft buisness living somewhat close to Glasgow who could make this happen ? Also will airsoft hurt as bad as paintballs ? Thanks x
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