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Profile Information

  • Guns
    M320, XM26, CM.099 VSS, Double-Bell AKS-74U + Kar98K(shell ejecting) and few others
  • Loadouts
    Trying to building 1)CYMA CM.099(as DMR) with a Double-Bell AKS-74U(as a PDW). 2) AKS-74MN w/ GP-25
  • Sites
    Gonna try sites around Manchester area.
  • Gender
  • Location
    Macclesfield (near Manchester)
  • Interests
    VSS VINTOREZ, AS VAL, AKS-74, GP-25 ,M320, AKM, PBS-1, PBS-5, PSO-1 these are some of my favorite firearm's/Attachments. Just started playing EFT (Escape From TARKOV) and I cant stop aha.

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  1. would you sell the holster+sling separately??
  2. is it missing the other mounting brackets and the front bracket??
  3. does the makarov have the ability to be suppressed?
  4. parallel-knight

    WE F228

    does it have threaded barrel?
  5. is there any other way to contact you/this guy?
  6. I'm trying to sort out a AK-74 and GP-25 launcher loadout. I've found an DBoys AKS-74N (RK-02) and all i am trying to find out is that. Does the DBoys RK-02 have a 14MM CCW threaded barrel, so that if i get it i can add a suppressor to it like i intend? Can someone please just let me know. Thank you. Message on here or E-Mail me : [email protected] .
  7. I just got my CYMA VSS and want to put a PSO-1 SVD scope on it. I am seeing lots of conflicting things about the VSS/AS VAL side mount and it not being/being able to fit the PSO-1 scope onto it. Can anyone please help me with this question because my VSS will never be complete until it has a PSO-1 on it. I saw Patrol Base have a PSO-1 scope replica for sale, however it says that i can't fit the CYMA VSS. Then reviews online says it can fit the PSO-1 scope and I've seen a pic on this website with someone using the CYMA VSS with a PSO-1 scope on it? Please help.
  8. I want to get a gas TT-33 for my future Russian loadout, but I want to put a suppressor on it. Is it actually possible to thread an airsoft guns barrel? If so how hard would it be to thread the barrel. I'd probably go for a 14mm CCW thread because lots of suppressors have that threading pitch. Could anyone please help with any info on how to thread a barrel.
  9. cheers for that! that's the sorta stuff I'm after.
  10. YO can some one please help me! I'm gonna be putting together a DMR/Recon set up and my DMR is gonna be The CYMA VSS. I'm really struggling to find out is the PSO-1 scope will fit the CYMA VSS. there's some people that say it does and others that don't. can some one let me know if the CYMA VSS can actually take the PSO-1 scope? also if they know if it can take the standard AK mounts for optics. Although the only optic i want on my VSS is the PSO-1. withgout the PSO-1 my set up will never be complete. Please HELP. My E-Mail : [email protected]
  11. Oh yeah are they about this sorta stuff? Oh nice I’ll check it out Oh cheers man this is really helpful. I’ll have to check out this Facebook group. And lucky having all that aha Yeah isn’t the Russian gear so interesting and yes AK’s do look nicer. Yeah I was actually planning on buying the CYMA VSS (as DMR) then a AKS-74U (for a back up gun)
  12. I want to try actually going to matches. However i want to make a Russian kit regardless. I'm really into the 'Flora' Camo design so any kits that revolve around that would be grate. I believe the VSR-98 and VSR-93 kits are what i should build? So if anyone could help me by letting me know which bits of kit go with which and stuff like the names of the combat clothes chest rigs and armor, where to buy from and any relevant info would be really helpful. I live in the UK. For weapons i am planning on making two weapon loadouts. 1) An AK-74 type rifle, 5KU PBS-1 suppressor, GP-25 launcher and some sort of optic on a low AK style side mount. 2) A VSS/AS VAL with small laser, PSO-1 SVD scope, also would have a AKS-74U with PBS-5 suppressor for CBC. The Chechnya wars uniforms seems to be what I should try to replicate for my loadouts. il_794xN.3038689902_gw6q.webp
  13. I want to try actually going to matches. However i want to make a Russian kit regardless. I'm really into the 'Flora' Camo design so any kits that revolve around that would be grate. I believe the VSR-98 and VSR-93 kits are what i should build? So if anyone could help me by letting me know which bits of kit go with which and stuff like the names of the combat clothes chest rigs and armor, where to buy from and any relevant info would be really helpful. I live in the UK. For weapons i am planning on making two weapon loadouts. 1) An AK-74 type rifle, 5KU PBS-1 suppressor, GP-25 launcher and some sort of optic on a low AK style side mount. 2) A VSS/AS VAL with small laser, PSO-1 SVD scope, also would have a AKS-74U with PBS-5 suppressor for CBC. The Chechnya wars uniforms seems to be what I should try to replicate for my loadouts. My E-Mail: [email protected] il_794xN.3038689902_gw6q.webp
  14. PLEASE does anyone know this INFO?

    As put in my last status update I asked if anyone if they had a GP-25 for sale. Well I've found a Double-Bell 'K-55A AIRSOFT GRENADE LAUNCHER FOR AK + 36BB GRENADE' if someone knows if the upper (the block of metal with PIC rail) and the lower (the Gp-25 launcher) can separate from each other? If they can then I could just buy this K-55A and once it comes take the upper part off and I'll have a K-55/Double-Bell GP-25 launcher. PLEASE someone let me know I really wanna get a GP-25!  

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Lozart


      @parallel-knight I think he means HK as in Hong Kong, not Heckler & Koch!

    3. parallel-knight


      That GP-30 is interesting I still want to get the GP-25 but tbh I would wanna get both at some point. Just GP-25 first 


    4. Druid799


      Yes I ment Hong Kong ! 😆

      several of the more reputable retailers have them in stock .

  15. PLEASE. Someone put me out of my misery and sell me a Double-Bell GP-25 W/ Shell! I've been looking been looking for months and moths for one.

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