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Everything posted by Halo

  1. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Emerson-Tactical-Thigh-Leg-Rig-Pistol-Holster-Drop-Mag-Pouch-for-Airsoft-SMG-/254691763550?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l49286&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0 Literally the only option I can find that might work….. https://www.evike.com/products/10535/ Failing that it’s onto Rogers thingy
  2. Or https://www.airsoftzone.co.uk/smg-leg-holster-dredd-black-gear-craft.html £115 new
  3. So my ESS (ex demo) arrived today, didn’t work until I jiggled the wiring together abit and then seems alright, not the best start for £100……can’t say I’m impressed, the foam gasket is really crap and that type you see on the oculus quest 2 that causes irritation and soaks up sweat! Oculus had to send out silicon covers for it….slow speed it sounds like a bee, mode 2 it’s an audible fan One guy did this, wish I knew how as I think I’d rather convert my SOS supercell goggles or the Wiley nerve, the bolle ones offer the most room to work with though but the least stylish. He also claims his fans are less noisy and works better
  4. Some interesting options there, how about a modified shotgun holster, anyone do that one before? I also found this, it’s not fast access like but looks secure and pretty smart looking
  5. How much do these normally cost?
  6. Morning gents, I’d seen on this forum a couple of people recommending this plastic fantastic PDW but sadly it’s an almost impossible find these days! Not to be deterred, I tried and tried and tried but alas I couldn’t get one either, EU don’t want to post to us anymore…..! So off I trundled down to Fubar Bundy (Leeds) explaining ‘oooooo I would love one of those plastic fantastics, can’t get one xyz’, and then like a rabbit out of a hat Steve pulls one out from under the counter! Destiny!? So naturally and without even asking if it was available or the price I basically requested that they turn this cheap plastic looking but light as fooook apartus into a ‘death machine’….I’ll dig into the psychosis of that request later as this new hobby seems to be unearthing worrying traits I didn’t realise existed (but I LIKE IT! 😃) And with that the tech whiz’s came up with: Rare as rocking horse shit’ Galaxy MP5K ASG piston head Gate Titan advanced v2 Maple leaf omega hop nub Maple leaf 60 super macaron hop rubber Rocket 13:1 CNC high speed gear set Rocket / SHS shim set SNS 14T full metal rack poly piston G&P bearing spring guide ————— Total £494….. I might stick my Sparc AR and x3 on there also not sure yet….. I tested it in the range and within a couple seconds I knew this thing was terrifying!! I didn’t unload the rest of the mag either as the amount of bb ricochet was immense! I don’t understand what the upgrades are…..don’t need to! The idea is to have something better than a pistol that can shoot effectively 30m that I can use when I’m too close (DMR limits) or at times when overwhelmed have some suppressing fire! I’ve no intention of unloading full auto into anyone…..* *T&C In the unlikely event your senses are dulled to a point (maybe some mild brain damage) that you don’t take your hits then site regulators will accept that 40+ rds/second may be unleashed ‘legally’ into your entire body for any duration of time! I’ll have to tune a few settings for this one, 3 part trigger would be nice, not sure I can yet but will check ( 1 / 5 / death) Question: Has anyone in a DMR or Sniper role found a practical way of being able to draw anything similar quickly (as a sidearm) and without it banging about a lot? For now I’ll also be wearing a Haley original D3CR with dangler and flat pack 2.0 (until I get some news straps to turn into a mini rig) so the rear will be taken up a little Annoyingly it doesn’t come with the original straps for the rig so I have to buy those separately hence having to wear the flatpack but maybe it might be useful…..the whole lot was £215 so not too bad. Theres a lot of velcro on the back and the front, maybe some sort of sling or holster, maybe a leg holster, I’m not sure what’s out there.. As for my KWA T10 I was looking at the D3 sling (when it’s back in stock) for the rifle but now I’m trying to work out how can I throw the rifle to my back and switch to the MP5 quickly when needed so any suggestions are welcome 🙏
  7. so the ESS clears the fog when you switch them on, how much did you pay for those?
  8. Cheers I’ve added the photos now, one of them inserted lower down for some reason but you get the idea
  9. I’ll look into that cheers, happy to go molle but haven’t seen anything similar yet so I’ll check out your suggestion
  10. So been looking into micro rigs, I tried the full on (and I mean full on!) chest rig and lasted all of ten mins (I it was a compact map so a lot of returning to spawn) so ditched it. I also struggled switching mags swiftly or getting access to grenades and such so now I want easy access. Not wanting to pay first owner tax on the d3 at £185 plus extras is there any thing else that can allow the m2 inserts? I’ll also put the side pulls to allow for 5 mags, I’ve found I burn through ammo! Basically like this but I’d also like: -Expandable rifle sling (fixed to the back of the strap via a carabiner?) so I can drop the rifle and pull a sidearm or made etc… -Slot for a pistol -Dangler but with a tensioner to stop movement -Extension Velcro for dangler? If there isn’t an alternative then maybe I go down the Spiritus micro flight route and use the kydex insert and kywi hacks as below: https://www.tactical-kit.co.uk/esstac-kywi-kydex-mag-wedge-insert---556---various-sizes-16234-p.asp Inserts Kywi spacer inserts, haven’t been able to locate as of yet Also if anyone selling any of the above let me know cheers
  11. They seem to favour the smith but anyone had the ESS? On the weekend I tried top end Bolle tactical, Wiley Nerve and Blueye SOS and they all fogged until I replaced my helmet (no vents) with a breathable mesh cap and it fogged only during brakes which is were I want to use the fan….
  12. Ditch the helmet, unless there tons of vents otherwise the humidity your sweed lets out will just track back into your goggles! I know as today I tested no less than 3 top of the range goggles and they all fogged! I wore a fast helmet (zero vents) chin to ear mesh and then whatever gigs. I won’t use ballistic glasses as none seem to cover your eye entirely and all it takes is one random bb…. Disappointed, I reached into my bag and found a gym hat with mesh all over it, as soon as I stuck this on not only did I find actually bbs hardy hard but fogging dramatically decreased!
  13. Nice that would be great, how are you finding it?
  14. cheers for that you got any shots of your setup?
  15. That MP5 looks fun, did you mod yours? Also who did you have to bribe to get hold of one?? Sold out everywhere by looks, luckily I’ve managed to snag a gateway mp5k but would love a recoil variant! Perfect setup right there, keeping it real!
  16. My local tech chap is minutes away from me and he’s in a team of DAS owners. Feedback I’ve had is the stock DAS was the best performance they could get and upgrades actually decreased performance in their tests. Also they can hit targets at 88m, on stock at 350. When I consult the charts it does advise 55m (.36s) so if that’s the case then theres something amazing going on. DAS is dividing opinions it seems, I’d very much like to watch a demo on the range capabilities for myself but doubt that’s possible. if say, on stock I could get 80m then I’d buy one in a heartbeat as I know buying a sniper so early on would be a futile move and wouldn’t be the ideal backup gun if the range is marginally better so say 60m against my 55m then that’s a big spend for that performance but some would still buy the DAS (inc myself) for the realism, 500 rnds is nice but 60rnd of proper rnds would payback way more smiles, I grin just with my T10 even…. So to buy a GBBR and have to pump in hundreds to get close to a DAS spec, not sure if that’s the best way, on paper might save a few quid but still, stock DAS sounds class already
  17. You shouldn’t go round ‘quoting’ others 😝
  18. @mightyjebusyou still rocking with it? What is the long term feedback Did anyone get off the shelf 120 mags to work Is there any point in this being a DMR rather than going for a 500fps sniper and just use as 340fps ish? what is the maximum effective range possible on this? I personally love it, tried in the shop but since I’m starting I’ve got the T10 atm
  19. Yeah I can imagine, they have everything around them illuminating and only use the IR torches if its needed, there probably shooting in the dark vs you with a spotlight screaming 'I'm here'...... I'm not sure how much the cheapest NV setup might be, there are ATN scopes around £500 on ebay which are NV but I'd probably look at other brands like Infiray or Hik Micro (I'm 99% certain these are made in the same plant!)....note I've read battery is much better in the iray version...good news is also that @MikeMardenadvised his scope is the one thing he would own of all the NV stuff.... I wouldn't know who wins in thermal vs NV, probably the thermal scopes are the best bet if there not having to be as mobile whereas NV guys would just move at greater speed, I find it pretty fascinating the night battles. I wouldn't want to do it in woods etc but abandoned buildings and stuff like that would be shit hot! I did a zombie experience in barnsley once with airsoft and it was one of the most fun experiences I've ever had
  20. That’s great thanks for spending the time to post, good to know I’ve something to build upto in the future….your NV stuff flir? The mono does this attach to your helmet, trying to build a picture….photos most welcome! Does make me wonder as the night vision would allow you run around more, if it’s pitch black I already know using a scope to see and move might lead to some issues! So then I suspect a monocular is the answer there but doesn’t NV need illumination all the time? Then If a torch is used it will be like a target beacon I imagine. Regarding the doubles I’m now having images of metal gear solid……love it 😃 I’d seen that scope you have, it’s nice because it doesn’t look out of place either since it actually looks like a scope and not a thermal device would. Sometimes you see them at cut down prices on eBay but I think this stuff ideally needs warranties. It’s fair comment, did you look into how much something basic would cost to allow you to use NV? I’ve watched some videos and unless it’s a milsim it seems in everyday games people who have goggles on get pestered a lot on where the enemy is it seems…..can’t be much fun if so, if I had that gear I’d be looking to get involved in some serious type missions for sure against similar load outs.
  21. Is there any echo in here? 😃 Oh you forget to mention that these toys also come with guided BB’s, tactical reconnaissance military training chip inplants and stealth cloaking to make the player invisible! in reality, an 18 year old kid will just run and gun the toy wearer down and make him very depressed all the same 🙂
  22. This took lots of hours of researching! https://www.uttings.co.uk/p135902-infiray-saim-scp19-thermal-256x192-scope-3-4-6x-19mm-lens-irayscp19/#.YYzLui3fXmo 3x6 https://www.opticswarehouse.co.uk/hikmicro-ultimate-thunder-19mm-35mk-256x192-12-m-smart-thermal-weapon-scope-w-40a-50a-or-60a-scope-clamp Not quite sure on magnification….it’s hot off the press this one! https://www.uttings.co.uk/p135433-atn-lt-ultra-light-160-60hz-thermal-rifle-scope/#.YYzRJi3fXmo 3x6 These are your three options, the ATN is the Mars version, the Thor is the USA which should be illegal to export anywhere else. According to the guys at Optical warehouse who also review products it goes in this order 1. Hikmicro 2. Infiray 3. ATN The ATN LT missions loads of functions of the non LT version and is known to have software bugs and lapse customer support, it does have a night vision version that has all the ballistic features and other stuff. I’m having wild fantasies of DAS / thermal sniper hunter load out! My T10 has arrived and is getting a paint job, the stock tan was surprisingly alright, but it looked like a virgin with how new it looks so gonna fix that! They are some niiiiice toys, may I ask what the cost (damage) was on those? As for lens, I chatted with ATN who advised it’s almost impossible to damage their lenses with BB games! Guessing there all the same glass in the brands I posted?
  23. Tbh other than being an amazing toy, this is my main draw to it, I’ve plenty experience of bloomin snipers hiding away from reach or camping inside of buildings just waiting for someone to waltz by to go pew pew on the Xbox, those certain types I suspect will chose a sniper load out, oh how I would like to spend my Airsoft days tracking them down…..or in reality run the other way 😃
  24. Halo

    Rifle choice

    Sorry more of closer quarter stuff I was thinking, also mix things up a little and have as a backup, swap things around during the day kind of thing https://airsoftdirect.uk.com/airsoft-guns/airsoft-electric-rifles/tm-mp5k-high-cycle-aeg/ This the beast? Have a photo of yours? (Thought of many ways to reword this!!)
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