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Everything posted by Halo

  1. I recently watched this video and it was one of the first videos regarding airsoft I’d watched strangely and although it’s probably not very practical or maybe the purist way to play Airsoft during the day at night will be great! I just looked at it and fell in love with the fact I could mount a thermal scope to a rifle and just fire the thing! Leopold Tracker This device is now discontinued and it sounds like it’s not actually very safe to be using on the scope plus you have to wonder if there’s some kind of quality control issues since they discontinued. With some real effort I could probably get one from eBay USA but perhaps there’s better options out there? Some have said that if they didn’t have the Leopold device they would have bought this instead, not sure how that works as you can’t use it as a scope really because your eye has to be right up against it unlike a scope? Nice device still though. https://www.uttings.co.uk/p123987-flir-scout-tk-compact-thermal-imaging-monocular-green-431-0012-21-00s/#.YYpXBC3fXmo A similar cheaper option and also some good feedback on https://www.uttings.co.uk/p134258-hik-vision-lynx-6mm-160x120-thermal-imager-hikvul6/#.YYpWSi3fXmo One chap from this forum has recommended this one to me but slightly expensive still INFIRAY SAIM THERMAL RIFLESCOPE SCP19 https://www.uttings.co.uk/p135902-infiray-saim-scp19-thermal-256x192-scope-3-4-6x-19mm-lens-irayscp19/#.YYpanS3fXmo I’ve dropped a photo in also, here with the Leopold d3vice you can tweak the heat maps and have the orange over white which is really interesting, not sure the others can do that. Anyone have any of these or similar, what’s the experience like?
  2. Halo

    Rifle choice

    KWA Ronin T6 vs KWA mod 1 as a secondary weapon or more for close combat? I ordered a new t10 which arrives tomorrow, tried to get used but just missed out on an as new by a day! It will be used also, there’s a mod 1 with 7 mags for £250 going atm but I know nothing about that one.
  3. I’ve just bought this, I’m not sure though on adjusting, nice the aoP said it was easy to adjust but I’ve found it anything but, I had to take it off as you can’t reach where you roll the straps up, they will also slide down, you can see how the OP used tape to stop this, instead it should have tensioners at the side, for £73 it’s abit crap if you ask me, I’m looking at alternatives before I use it so I can return it.
  4. Halo

    Rifle choice

    Crikey that’s a selling point right? 😀 ’adds to the realism!’ Could be kinda fun in ways
  5. Halo

    Rifle choice

    Okay cheers guys, my brand new KWA Ronin T10 comes on Tuesday I could only order the tan but the shop will paint it inclusive for me Any advice on mosfets or other things I need? I tried the flip out sights but all I could see was ghosting! I also bought a G17 today and some gear such as helmet, mesh (covers the ears but the circular shape isn’t comfy at all) Zulu thermal Goggles, I also bought Helikon training mini rig as I liked it’s compactness although the rear straps could be better for tightening. Yesterday I also bought goretex milicam trousers/shirt for £40 and some nine waterproof trouser/wind stopper jacket milicam for £30, all ex army issue but new. probably need to work out fluids next Im good to go for now pretty much
  6. Halo

    Rifle choice

    Great points from you guys as usual! Forever gun is the DAS I think, but I’ll not buy this as I’ll wreck it until muscle memory and experience is built up due to being a baby doing mongy stuff! Used market is weird, there are guns I like but there always a million miles from me normally 😃, I’m guessing Leeds is popular for this sport. I can’t try all the guns sadly there almost mythical; I am about to visit another shop to see what they have now though. Interesting to hear stock TM can be better than upgraded, sounds back to front but if it ain’t broke don’t fix it is probably quite relevant here, it’s not a sniper rifle but I am I’m interested in lots of effective range, the DAS sounds nice for that, nearer 90m instead of around typical 60 (I’m quoting off others!) The lock stop I can live without, that said Fubar showed me a gun with this working and it was actually quite good, that little click to go again I got some satisfaction from! I can’t be air firing though so that’s one thing I’ll address if I get a T10. There are the odd upgraded 416 or Mk18 but after hearing that can be a bad thing might not be an idea, even if it’s a £650 upgrade….this brand sound a complex option. ps why would this be 280 FPS
  7. Halo

    Rifle choice

    Thanks guys so far, I’ve lost lots of sleep desperately trying to get a fun ready for tomorrow (once I’m set on a mission that’s it!), I did have one sorted for a T10 but they guys gone AWOL all of sudden, maybe that may change today although I’ve been looking at other guns now… Have to say guys are Fubar Bundy are epic, really helpful shame they don’t have the T10 in or I’d have snapped that up. Ive bought some clothes from a local surplus military place, incidentally it was right next to a place called Foundry in leeds, grabbed goretex set and a a wind stopper set them of all things some black German boots, initially I took one look and was like yeah right lol but then I put them on and thought oh, these are nice plus reduced ankle breaking, bonus The choices I’ve been looking for are 1. KWA T10 2. TM MK18 Mod 1 3. TM 416 Delta Custom In this case, buying a new T10 is practical, maybe the special is the best value for the upgrades given the trigger and gate install, the TM’s they sound like they need the £250 upgrade option to bring up the FPS and a few other things and then people claim this is what causes them to break at times later on….it’s bonkers that you pay £550 and then need £250 more on top then another £250 for basic attachment. Trouble is I can’t give money away to procure the TM10, the other ones are a little easier, some shops do have them. I don’t know what is better between the TM stuff, I know the 416 is heavier and the MK18 is labelled a CQC weapon. All that said another tech at a different shop said not to chase FPS all that much, some rifles shoot equally as well as bigger ones. Atm there are some interesting used TM upgrades options, I’m seeing some selling for 50% RRP overall and some trying to get close to original price….what’s a typical % off RRP would you say (just wondering for when I put offers in) And lastly, is it worth buying a used or for a first weapon should I just hold my water and order a T10 and wait a few weeks?
  8. Halo

    Rifle choice

    He has TM in stock, doesn’t have KWA so not sure about that one…. Guys which TM’s compare to the Ronin T10 just so I have more options? Seems some to buy the KWA but prefer the feel of the TM, I’ve never held a KWA as nowhere has them
  9. Halo

    Rifle choice

    Tech guy at my local shops been at it 30 years and kinda recommended the T10…..sounds like it ticks all the boxes. He did warn me off Tokya Murai though saying there are some reliability issues, I guess both camps could probably share experiences, I’ll defo not get the VFS samurai, shame as it only weighs 2.6kg and I like how they stripped some stuff back. Ps sorry if I don’t reply again tonight, the forum has said I’ve reached my limit for today! All of 5 posts or something lol 🤣 Pss if anyone is selling anything decent or knows someone and near to Leeds send me a DM cheers
  10. Halo

    Rifle choice

    Awesome working on a T10 deal as we speak!
  11. Halo

    Rifle choice

    btw I appreciate every comment you guys have sent, great forum really nice vibe which is kinda refreshing . I’m a straight talker and can take it coming to me, respect it more even but some places are really toxic I’ve found for some reason
  12. Halo

    Rifle choice

    Oh brilliant thanks for the correction! Your totally correct in the setup being best of gas but AEG! The recoil is a must and that last round stop whilst yeah I know it won’t alter K/D ratio it’s just FUN! I don’t see the g&g mentioned as much for some reason but what is the better gun out of yours vs the Ronin T10 special (has basic Gate inc and fast trigger) Then the leviathan mosfet upgrade you mention any idea on how much that might cost? If the T10 is the better gun might make some sense to do it, I’ll likely buy second hand there’s a hand full available on this site alone. If there similar, I’ll buy your rig I think I Here’s another I’d seen but the chrono is 280 whereas I thought these would be 340 out of the box normally
  13. Halo

    Rifle choice

    Also been drawing up a shortlist https://www.usedairsoft.co.uk/rif-s/electric-powered/tokyo-marui-416-delta-ngrs-upgraded_i32018 no idea on the weapons but seems a lot of cares been put into it. If anyone spots another bundle of similar stuff please feel free to let me know
  14. Halo

    Rifle choice

    could I ask which boots? Sounds like I’m best buying a used T10 job lot. in terms of what others have said too I did see this earlier as a nice starter setup but I’m happy to get a T10, I won’t need to change it, good FPS out of the box, recoil, lock bolt (can remember proper name) and comes recommended by Fubar but he can’t get them until later on…. Hire guns, I hear the logic but I’m told there’s nasty at times, if it shoots like the accuracy of a Tommy gun I’ll just get annoyed. it’s lower risk this hobby for me, I loved my 22 air rifle, was half decent shot, went laser quest for years, play until stupid o’clock (still) playing FPS games (halo, used to play PUBG too) and more recently did a zombie apocalypse experience in Sheffield with SMG Airsoft and feckin loved it, I was front of the team all the way! I’m also super competitive and positively aggressive, I get a rush just looking at videos of what’s out there! At worse I can resale I suspect on a T10 faster than lower end stuff. it’s just where can I find a nice used setup quickly……..
  15. Halo

    Rifle choice

    More than happy to get something lower end……but can’t be doing with any plastic feel if I can help it. My budgets open, I’d rather avoid buying multiple guns and then reaching one I wished I’d have known to but from the get go because it has features I might like. £400 for a T10 any objections there? I’d sell it for what £300 later if it’s not for me? Are there things that need upgrading, does that gun allow for the 370 rnd mags? in that video the chap says not to get a gate Titan but the gate warfet, would that work in the T10?
  16. Halo

    Rifle choice

    Loved the video btw 😃
  17. Halo

    Rifle choice

    Yeah it’s also on my mind to buy used so I can suffer the same fate but I’m not versed in what I’m buying or able to check it over properly. I’ve my first match on Sunday so I’ll hire unless something pops up, local shop doesn’t have them in stock right away, the DAS could be here in 2 days though but like you say….. I have noticed that the classifieds are pretty active here so if I can whittle my targets down I’d be happy to look at used options 🙂 Yeah it’s also on my mind to buy used so I can suffer the same fate but I’m not versed in what I’m buying or able to check it over properly. I’ve my first match on Sunday so I’ll hire unless something pops up, local shop doesn’t have them in stock right away, the DAS could be here in 2 days though but like you say….. I have noticed that the classifieds are pretty active here so if I can whittle my targets down I’d be happy to look at used options 🙂
  18. Hey guys, I’m Carl, 42 and went to Fubar Bundy and discovered my new found midlife crises hobby 😃! The second I picked one of these guns up I was sold! Can you help me decide which gun to buy between these: https://www.defconairsoft.co.uk/product/kwa-ronin-t10-aeg-3-0/ https://www.defconairsoft.co.uk/product/tokyo-marui-tm416-delta-custom-next-gen-recoil/ https://www.defconairsoft.co.uk/product/gbls-das-gdr-15-m4-aeg-hybrid/ https://www.defconairsoft.co.uk/product/vfc-avalon-samurai-edge-aeg-black/ I don’t want to be running in crazy Rambo full auto style, more tactical and semi auto, the DAS has a 90 meter effective range so can be a sniper too but only holds 60 rounds. Think the T10 can hold 370 rnd mags ill be play milsim and normal games I do like: Recoil Last round empty effect easy to work with, customise Gate Titan upgrade kit (saw a demo) cheers
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