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JinxDuh last won the day on September 19

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About JinxDuh

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    WE M16A1 / A&K M60 / JG M16A1 / CYMA XM177
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  1. Fitted the ZCI hop unit with a maple leaf macaron 50 and omega nub. It didn’t like it at all, jams etc. For the first time in years I’m using a different hop combo. Seems the standard ZCI stuff is perfect though. 302.6 on 6 shots before moving up to 303.4 😳

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. SSPKali


      Maybe the combo of Macaron and Omega nub is causing too much impingement in the chamber (as if you have the hop wound on full) and causing the issues?


      I have a ZCI and Maple Leaf MR in my M733 with, I think, a little "bow tie" cross section nub and that hops well from nothing to upwards at 45degs :)

    3. ak2m4


      Not everyone's a winner 🙂

    4. ak2m4


      I found that MR's are really better used with inner barrels that use 6x4 windows.  They still work with ZCI but the smaller window doesn't really fit it that well.  I've got a video somewhere showing the difference from inside.  It's part of the reason the MR gets a bit of a bad rap.  Both Macaron and MR could do with a slightly shorter lip though.

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