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Emergencychimps last won the day on February 16 2023

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About Emergencychimps

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  • Guns
    TM M4, 416
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    Gunman tuddenham
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  1. Huge loss to the community. Thank you for sharing with us. Thinking of all his friends and family at this time.
  2. As youre very new my advice is don't buy a helmet. 1. It's generally unnecessary expense. 2. They don't look as cool as you think it will. 3. There is often very little protection from them, BB strikes aren't that painful, a baseball cap takes the worst of it etc. yes sometimes you bash yourself against a tree ..but it's rare and if you didn't have an extra inch or so on the top of your head that you aren't used to, you probably wouldn't have bashed it 4. They generally make fogging worse, which makes it harder to play and you have a worse time. 5. There's better things to spend your money on. 6. The wrong size can give headaches which suck. 7. The unnatural roundness makes you an easier target to spot in some environments. Honestly, save your money, get a baseball cap or a takeaway or some pyro.
  3. If you can't trust players to play by the rules at a special event like this, where the whole point is the limited ammo, I am not sure you can trust them to take their hits or not be twats, so at that level of policing, I'd say just give up. I can see the argument for real cap mags only, all too easy for those 30 rounds to become 45 by an extra 3/4 pushes of the speedloader. I can also see the argument for gas only, they have a certain amount of noise to them that makes using them harder than a pretty darn quiet aeg, everyone is then level as far as ammo capacity, mag weight, noise made when engaging enemy etc. Personally I'd love to see a night game where you have to use one of those bifrost flash thingies from your barrel, you don't have to use tracer rounds, but the flash thing would be cool if everyone had to have them. I am a fan of gunman's filmsim rules where you're only allowed a limited number of bbs out at a time, based on what type of weapon you have, but I think the op is striving for even more than that (and great that they are - more variety means more likelihood there will be the game types I like!).
  4. Love the principle, but where I have seen people try before they often fail due to a lack of numbers. I'd suggest focusing more on real cap event, so rifs like TM NGRS can be used, but has to have the 30 round setting on the mags. Would also like add, Good luck! If these events were more common it'd make me want to get an MP7 again!

    • For sale
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    Rail Unknown brand block 2 rail that's been painted. Was black, been painted by previous owner. Unfortunately I can't remove my current rail due to a stripped screw so I didn't even get to put this on (gutted!). £55 delivered. Torch Night evolution clone of a surefire on a (presumed) clone of a Haley strategic offset mount. Have also added a remote rail switch. £30 delivered I wanted to turn my rif into a gwot ranger impression but can't, sadness reigns here. End my sadness. Will do both delivered for £75.


    Ely - GB

  6. Valid points, my assumption was the desire to maximise range suggested that the OP was interested in shooting players further away, CQB doesn't always need precision hop setting (in fact I have seen not enough hop get use quite effectively!) But your point is very valid, we aren't playing to hurt each other.
  7. Have you tried running heavier bbs? Just thinking if it's just a bit too much on .25s then it could be the sweet spot for .3s. Heavier is better if outside, indoors or close ranges it doesn't matter so much so cost can then become a factor and lighter can be used.
  8. Welcome to the forum! Lots of knowledgeable people on here, so I am sure you'll get some info that's useful. My general advice to new players is to not spend too much money now, wait, do 4-5 games. There are bits of airsoft that are awesome, some bits that are a bit.....meh. Some people can handle the meh bits while others can't. Lots of people start airsoft, only a few carry it on for years, so hold back on your spending as much as you can for the moment. If you're still loving it in 4 games time, then yeah, spend and buy good stuff. It'll also give you an idea of what you'd like and you'll see what other players use, start with and then quickly get rid off. I'll also challenge your view on having real firearms, you can get firearms in the UK, you need to have a reason (such as a member of a shooting club) and jump through a few hoops (letter from a doctor, people who will be a reference, criminal background check and a chat with a copper) but it's all very doable. UKPSA and Practical mini rifle/shotgun/pistol are becoming bigger in the sport with lots of opportunity for fun, in addition, longer ranges/bigger calibres are available in restricted formats, but there are a lot of interesting options. I love seeing father and son combos on game days, seen some really great bonding with some fun father/son time away from screens and nonsense. Looking forward to taking my kids one day. Don't be shy, use the search function but do ask any questions you have.
  9. This is a hard one, £2k is probably about right. I recently bought one for 850, with 8 mags and with a recent service and new mosfet.....but that was a cracking deal and without a second upper, no optics etc. If you're selling, my advice would be to split the package. Sell the second upper, optics, lights etc. all separately. Anyone interested in this level of rif etc will already have optics etc. this is a perfect package for someone completely new without anything, but anyone who is into it enough to spend this much is likely to have most accessories, or at the very least preference as to what they have, rather than just what's available. Selling separately should maximize your money, selling together will force you to undersell it.
  10. Ventilation, ventilation, ventilation! (and some anti fog). On my mesh masks I trim some of the vertical (or horizontal) bits of wire out, it just reduces the amount of wire giving protection and increases the size of the holes for the moisture to escape through. I have had some face shots still "hit me", but nothing compared with not wearing a mask. I also glued a bit of rubbery type material to the inside of it at the top so it causes a "seal" against my face, this way the hot, moist air from my breath goes forward and out, not up to the inside of my glasses. I then don't wear any scarfs/neck buff things, everything I can to get sweat to evaporate. If I am wearing a helmet, a couple of buffs cut in half to absorb the sweat, I say a couple because I keep the spare dry ones in my pockets and I then change these when respawning or between games if I am very sweaty. This also stops any sweat from my head etc running down and adding to my problems. Always use anti fog coating on the inside of my glasses. I use the Bob hopes visor spray for motor bike riders, I have heard some people say they felt it damaged their glasses, but I run cheap Bolle Siliums from screwfix which I generally replace every 6 months or so (so I am not bothered, works for me). I reapply at lunch and religious about doing it before the game starts. If it still fogs, I find just moving the glasses a couple of mms away from my face helps with the air flow around them too (this is rare and isn't enough to cause a safety issue).
  11. Anyone know of a work around to buying the nozzle tightening tool? My rif dropped 70 ISH FPS and I think it's the nozzle (swapped the spring for a new M100 and was still 70 shy of what it was). I've literally just done an order from the cage Airsoft a day before I realised I needed it.
  12. Did a filmsim at gunman tuddenham and it's one of the best days of airsoft I've had in a while, the sort of day you go "yeah, this is how airsoft is meant to be" and I entirely lay the responsibility at the head marshalls' (for the day) door. He was in the field, enthusiastic, pro active marshalling. Everything clicked, good site, reasonable games, sensible rules, good sportsmanship. It wasn't the absolute best day ever or the most unique event, it was just a good, solid day. 2 long games, medic rules blah blah blah. The in game marshalls' worked nicely, the head marshall was great and super hands on. If you want a bit more immersive than an average skirmish id recommend checking out a filmsim at tudds. Hopefully Nell keeps running them and with the same enthusiasm and work/input for many years, but my advice would be to take advantage now, while you can cause if/when he stops these will be the games that we'll hark back to with our rose tinted glasses on.
  13. Some really great advice is in this thread. You can do it cheaply, you can spend a fortune on it and both groups will have good days and bad days! I'd strongly recommend renting the first 3 times at least, not just to get your ukara but so you can give it a good honest go. There are loads of elements that are great, but people (including me at times) fall out of love with the sport all the time, it's easy to love it the first game and by your 4th that passion is waning. Renting for 4/5 games and still loving it confirms you love the sport enough to start buying kit and guns, it also gives you enough knowledge on what works etc. before spending your money.
  14. Some seriously nice gear on here, while some is a little heavy on price, some of it is very well priced (Patagonia AOR1 combat shirt for £100!). It is however, almost too nice for most airsofters (no offence, this is some high end gear) but I have seen you're already in the whatsapp groups so don't see why you wouldn't add here too. Good luck, if I had more spare cash, there's several bits I'd have.
  15. Isn't Phoenix where kicking mustang plays? That'd put me off. Not just because of him individually, but if they tolerate that sort of play I'm not interested.
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