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    Double Eagle M900 Fan Boy
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    Viper Vcam Tart / Wannabe Part-Time Bush
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    Ironsight Airsoft and whatever else is close

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  1. Starting to repair a boneyard AK-47, wires soldered to motor tabs, WTF! 😡

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Skara


      It was common practice back then, some people still do it to this day.

    3. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      Not too crazy on a v3 box as you can just pull the motor and cage off, same with a v6.


      Typically i'd have the motor wires running to a deans connector so you can unplug from the mosfet side.

    4. Rogerborg


      Hmm, I guess an argument can be made that 2.8mm spade connectors that were fine for 8.4v nimh driving a 1990s motor at 10rps might be the resistory part of an 11.1V 30rps wankergun setup.


      [Looks at G36 with intent]

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